A searchable database of curated resources, lessons, and other types of learning content. Built with the Digital Harbor Foundation.
Check it out: https://library.digitalharbor.org/
- Many folks have expressed the need for a resource database that pulls from vetted resources with user-friendly searching
- We wanted a way to provide open, curated resources for learners that act as a starting point
- DHF staff are vetting resources across a variety of topics such as fabrication, design, and general tech literacy
- Frontend app pulls these curated resources from an Airtable database
- Resource pages are shareable
- Ability to filter by pathway
- Playlists are curated lists of resources
- Multiple filters (OS, skill level)
- Shareable searches (sharing your filters with someone)
- Upvoting process - current ratings are based on curator ratings, but ultimately will have a process for users to upvote resources
- Community resource submission process
- Next.js (React), TypeScript, ChakraUI, SWR, and Airtable.
- Hosted on Vercel