- Java 11
- Eclipse
- Gradle (./gradlew)
- NodeJs (https://github.com/creationix/nvm)
We use Gradle as our build system. All commands listed here follow the pattern gradle <task>'
If Gradle is not installed on your system you can use sh gradlew <task>
gradlew tasks
- list all tasksgradlew eclipse
- setup eclipse filesgradlew run
- start server for UI developmentgradlew bootRun
- start server for development (refreshes static resources)gradlew test
- execute unit tests (open report withopen build/reports/tests/index.html
- for executing single test add
- for running tests on mysql add
gradlew clean
- clean the project
Setup with the Gradle Integration for Eclipse plugin.
Setup by using the gradle eclipse plugin
Select "Import..." -> "Gradle Project" then build the model and import the plugins you need.
Additional stuff:
Make sure you have the following classes included for static import:
- lombok
- org.assertj.core.api.Assertions
- org.mockito.Matchers
- com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured
(In Eclipse under Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist/Favorites)
- Create fresh databases:
drop database weplantaforest; create database weplantaforest;
drop database weplantaforest_test; create database weplantaforest_test;
- Run tests with MySql from Gradle by adding the flag
, e.g.gradle test -Pmysql
- Run tests with MySql from Eclipse by either:
- Change existing annotation
@IntegrationTest({ "spring.profiles.active=test" })
into@IntegrationTest({ "spring.profiles.active=test,mysql-test" })
- OR switch the included profiles in
- Change existing MySql Schema (managed by Flyway)
- Add to the latest (unreleased)
script - OR create a new script, e.g.
./gradlew user:bootRun
./gradlew article-manager:bootRun
ui/node_modules/.bin/http-server --cors ui/client-react/
cd ui; webpack -w
Now you can open a browser window with:
open http://localhost:8080
P: I get an error while starting a gradle task.
Could not open terminal for stdout: could not get termcap entry
A: Paste following command in current before executing gradle
export GRADLE_OPTS=-Dorg.gradle.native=false
cd ui2022 --> docker build -f Dockerfile-node -t ipat-test-frontend-node .
cd ui2022 --> docker build -f Dockerfile-nginx -t ipat-test-nginx .
from root: docker build -f Dockerfile-api -t ipat-test-api .
docker build -f Dockerfile-mysql -t ipat-test-mysql .
docker-compose up
build node container:
go to /ui2022 docker build -f Dockerfile-node-staging --no-cache -t ipat-staging-frontend-node . docker build -f Dockerfile-node-production --no-cache -t ipat-production-frontend-node .
save as tar: docker save -o ipat-staging-frontend-node.tar ipat-staging-frontend-node docker save -o ipat-production-frontend-node.tar ipat-production-frontend-node
scp to server scp ipat-staging-frontend-node.tar [email protected]:/home/ipat/ipat-staging scp ipat-production-frontend-node.tar [email protected]:/home/ipat/ipat-production
ssh to server- cd into ipat-staging
load into docker docker load -i ipat-staging-frontend-node.tar docker load -i ipat-production-frontend-node.tar
build nginx container
go to /ui2022 docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile-nginx-staging -t ipat-staging-nginx . docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile-nginx-production -t ipat-production-nginx .
save as tar docker save -o ipat-staging-nginx.tar ipat-staging-nginx docker save -o ipat-production-nginx.tar ipat-production-nginx
scp to server scp ipat-staging-nginx.tar [email protected]:/home/ipat/ipat-staging scp ipat-production-nginx.tar [email protected]:/home/ipat/ipat-production
ssh to server- cd into ipat-staging
load into docker docker load -i ipat-staging-nginx.tar docker load -i ipat-production-nginx.tar
==================================================== IMPORTANT: set spring.profiles.active in application.properties in every module(user,admin,article-manager) to staging,staging-secret/production,production-secret
build api container docker build -f Dockerfile-api -t ipat-staging-api . docker build -f Dockerfile-api -t ipat-production-api .
save as tar docker save -o ipat-staging-api.tar ipat-staging-api docker save -o ipat-production-api.tar ipat-production-api
scp to server scp ipat-staging-api.tar [email protected]:/home/ipat/ipat-staging scp ipat-production-api.tar [email protected]:/home/ipat/ipat-production
ssh to server- cd into ipat-staging
load into docker docker load -i ipat-staging-api.tar docker load -i ipat-production-api.tar