This is an automation tool to organize deploys. Currently, it uses AWS OpsWorks.
Also currently, it provides two ways to operate it:
- Operations engineer: Allows to run things.
- Infrastructure developer mode: Enabling to do cookbook testing.
A repository containing all the chef opsworks-enabled recipes is required, and must be cloned into the development workstation. This repository can be created by running the following:
git init cookbooks
Then, add the following line to the Gemfile within this repository, creating it if you don't have one:
echo "gem 'skyed'" > cookbooks/Gemfile
And then, run:
cd cookbooks
bundle install
Now, commit both the Gemfile and the Gemfile.lock:
git add Gemfile*
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Once the gem is installed, run:
skyed init
It will guide through the setup process asking about the repository's local location where the coobooks are stored, trying to check if the current directory is, or asking about the location. It also will try to get the AWS credentials from the environment variables, or ask for them. This process will create '~/.skyed', unless that file already exists, in which case it will fail before any other question.
Alternatively, if the only need is to run skyed but without having to initialize it at all, then set the PKEY environment variable to point the file containing the SSH key with access to the cookbooks remote repository:
export PKEY=~/.ssh/id_dsa
skyed run -s Stack -l Layer snmp
This tool allows to execute recipes on specific layers by using the run command with the -s and -l options:
skyed run -s Stack_name -l Layer name snmp
Stack and layer ids can be used, instead of the names.
The list command, with the --rds switch, lists all snapshots in AWS RDS:
skyed list --rds
To create RDS for PostgreSQL instances, from snapshot, with the same
parameters of the original, except for the --db-parameters-group
and --db-security-group
skyed create --rds new_instance_name rds:snapshot
Or from scratch, specifying parameters (check this list using create --help
skyed create --rds new_instance_name --size 150 --type m1.xlarge --user owner
It returns the endpoint for the new instance.
AWS RDS instances can be also destroyed, optionally saving a final snapshot:
skyed destroy --rds instance_name_to_remove
With that command, current cookbook repository is used to deploy a local
vagrant machine.
This feature requires .skyed
to exist with valid parameters.