- Requires PHP: 7.0
- WP requires at least: 6.0
- WP tested up to: 6.0
- WC requires at least: 4.8.1
- WC tested up to: 6.1.0
- Stable tag: 1.0.0
- License: GPLv3 or later License
The DevPress WooCommerce Boilerplate is a foundation for building high-quality WooCommerce plugins. Consider using it as a starting point and adapt as you see fit if your plugin fits the following criteria:
- Requires automated tests.
- Adheres to WordPress coding standands.
- Requires translations. (Optional)
If you do not plan to write automated tests or adhere to WordPress coding standards, this may not be the best starting point for you.
This boilerplate does not include a build process for compiling assets (js, scss, etc.) If you need that, I'd recommend dropping in package.json from the _s boilerplate to this plugin and then adapating it to your needs.
PHPUnit, Composer and WP-CLI are required for running unit tests.
Local testing set up instructions: https://github.com/devpress/devpress-woocommerce-boilerplate/wiki/Unit-Tests
The WordPress VIP minimum standards and WordPress-Extra code standards are used for this project. They will be installed via composer.
To run the code checks from the command line run: vendor/bin/phpcs
- Run
composer make-pot
to update the translation file.
1.0.0 (09.11.22)
- Initial Release.