Personal Snake Game project written in C/C++ using the SDL 2.0 library. This project makes use of Premake5 to support cross platform building
Premake5 Repository :
1. Clone Repository into arbitrary directory.
2. Open the command line or Terminal from the directory of the cloned repository.
**Only supports building with Xcode.
3_1. From the Terminal, enter "premake5 xcode4".
3_2. Open the generated .xcodeproj file.
3_3. Build the project in Xcode.
**Only supports building with VS 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019.
3_4. From the Command Line, enter "premake5 vs20xx". (where xx = 13, 15, 17 or 19)
3_5. Open the generated .sln file.
3_6. Build the project in Visual Studio.
1. The goal of the game is to collect as much fruits as possible
2. A fruit can be collected by passing over its tile.
3. Every time a fruit is collected, the length of the snake grows by 1.
4. The game is over if one of these events occurs:
4_1. The player collides with any border of the game area.
4_2. The player collides with one of his snake parts.
A -> Move left
S -> Move down
D -> Move Right
W -> Move up