Based on the syslog4j library bundled with Graylog.
This plugin allows you to forward messages from a Graylog 2.X server in syslog format. Messages can be dispatched over TCP or UDP and formatted as plain text (classic), structured syslog (rfc 5424) or CEF (experimental).
This plugin supports Graylog 2.X+.
This plugin is also published on graylog marketplace.
This project is using Maven and requires Java 8 or higher.
You can build a plugin (JAR) with mvn package
- Download graylog2-output-syslog-.jar from releases and put inside plugins folder
- Restart Graylog server
- Create a new output globally or attached to a stream.
- Message dispatch protocol: Select tcp or udp
- Syslog host: Hostname of the remote syslog serevr
- Syslog port: Syslog receiver port on remote host, usually 514
- Format: Specify one of plain, structured, full, cef or custom:FQCN (see below for explanation on values)
Standard plain syslog format. Minimal information. Example:
<14>Mar 31 19:19:02 nginx runit-service - GET /test1/x HTTP/1.1
Based on rfc5424. Sends all fields + log message. Example:
<14>1 2016-03-31T19:31:46.358Z graylog unknown - nginx [all@0 request_verb="GET" remote_addr="" response_status="404" from_nginx="true" level="6" connection_requests="1" http_version="1.1" response_bytes="1906" source="nginx" message="GET /test1/2 HTTP/1.1" gl2_source_input="566c96abe4b094dfbc2661a8" version="1.1" nginx_access="true" http_user_agent="Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu)" remote_user="-" connection_id="1755" http_referer="-" request_path="/test1/2" gl2_source_node="bebd092c-85d7-49a3-8188-f7af734747fb" _id="34cb0f40-f777-11e5-b30c-0800276c97db" millis="0.002" facility="runit-service" timestamp="2016-03-31T19:31:46.000Z"] GET /test1/2 HTTP/1.1
Common event format aka HP ArcSight format. This is Work in progress as I don`t have access to HP ArcSight instance. Please leave your feedback in issues.
A variation of structured format except full message is added. Example:
<14>1 2016-03-31T19:19:02.524Z graylog unknown - nginx [all@0 request_verb="GET" remote_addr="" response_status="404" from_nginx="true" level="6" connection_requests="1" http_version="1.1" response_bytes="1906" source="nginx" message="GET /test1/x HTTP/1.1" gl2_source_input="566c96abe4b094dfbc2661a8" version="1.1" nginx_access="true" http_user_agent="Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu)" remote_user="-" connection_id="970" http_referer="-" request_path="/test1/x" gl2_source_node="bebd092c-85d7-49a3-8188-f7af734747fb" _id="6d833da0-f775-11e5-b30c-0800276c97db" millis="0.002" facility="runit-service" timestamp="2016-03-31T19:19:02.000Z"] source: nginx | message: GET /test1/x HTTP/1.1 { request_verb: GET | remote_addr: | response_status: 404 | from_nginx: true | level: 6 | connection_requests: 1 | http_version: 1.1 | response_bytes: 1906 | gl2_source_input: 566c96abe4b094dfbc2661a8 | version: 1.1 | nginx_access: true | http_user_agent: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu) | remote_user: - | connection_id: 970 | http_referer: - | request_path: /test1/x | gl2_source_node: bebd092c-85d7-49a3-8188-f7af734747fb | _id: 6d833da0-f775-11e5-b30c-0800276c97db | millis: 0.002 | facility: runit-service | timestamp: 2016-03-31T19:19:02.000Z }
Specify your implementation of com.wizecore.graylog2.plugin.MessageSender interface.