This repo contains my personal Neovimconfiguration. Feel free to use, adapt, and contribute to it!. I've tried to make it as moduler and easy as possible to navigate through the files.
- Telescope - for fuzzy finding files and more.
- Neo-tree - navigating through my directories.
- Monokai-Pro - theme/colourscheme.
- Treesitter -
- nvim-web-devicons - for mono fonts and icons.
- LSP Confgurations
- lspconfig
- nvim-cmp
- gitsigns -
- Lazy.nvim - My Plugin Manager
- Other small plugins such as:
- lualine
- mini.lua
- undotree
- zen-mode
- speedtyper
- lazydev
- indent_blankline
Ensure you have Neovim installed
Go to your cofig directory which may look like
on linux orC:/User/Appdata/
on windows. -
In that directory, created a directory called
, and cd into it. -
Clone the repository. This will copy the repository to your current
directory.git clone .
Restart nvim. You'll see the basic configuration trying to setup itself. Give it a few seconds to download all the necessary configuration files.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.
- ripgrep, fd