This is my Node.js-based SQL database pet-project. It's a very simple database, and for now supports only SELECT queries. Doesn't support JOIN yet. Should not be used in production.
Supports only Node > v12
npm i
npm start
? SQL > select id, name, done from tasks where id = 1;
queryResult [ [ 1, 'Buy food in supermarket', false ] ]
? SQL > select * from contacts;
queryResult [
[ 1, 'Instagram', '' ],
[ 2, 'Facebook', '' ],
[ 3, 'Email', '[email protected]' ]
? SQL > select * from contacts where name = "Facebook";
queryResult [ [ 2, 'Facebook', '' ] ]
All tables are stored in .ddb format.
1;Buy food in supermarket;false
2;Fix the car;false
3;Clean the apartment;true
All tables must be placed to /data directory. Then when the DB starts – it will read these files and create Table objects for every file.