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Library for working with VK API, authorization through VK app, using VK functions. Minimal version of Android is 2.2

Prepare for Using VK SDK

To use VK SDK primarily you need to create a new VK application here by choosing the Standalone application type. Choose a title and confirm the action via SMS and you will be redirected to the application settings page. You will require your Application ID (referenced as API_ID in the documentation). Fill in the "Batch name for Android", "Main Activity for Android" and "Certificate fingerprint for Android".

Certificate Fingerprint Receiving

To receive your certificate's fingerprint you can use one of the following methods.

Fingerprint Receiving via Keytool

  1. You need to find the keystore location for your app. The ''debug'' store is usually located in these directories:
  • ~/.android/ for OS X and Linux,
  • C:\Documents and Settings<user>.android\ for Windows XP,
  • C:\Users<user>.android\ for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The keystore for the release version is usually created by a programmer, so you should create it or recall its location. 2) After the keystore's location has been found, use keytool utilite (it is supplied with the Java SDK). You can get keys list with the following command:

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore path-to-debug-or-production-keystore -list -v
You will observe a similar result:
Certificate fingerprint: SHA1: DA:39:A3:EE:5E:6B:4B:0D:32:55:BF:EF:95:60:18:90:AF:D8:07:09
By deleting all the colons you'll get your key's fingerprint.

Fingerprint Receiveing via SDK

If you've already added SDK to your project, you can use the following function in each Activity of your app.

String[] fingerprints = VKUtil.getCertificateFingerprint(this, this.getPackageName());

As a rule, fingerprints contains a single line. It's a fingerprint of your certificate (depends on the certificate used for your app's signing)

You can add more than one fingerprint in your app settings, e.g., debug and release fingerprints.

Connecting VK SDK to Your Android Application

Connecting in Android Studio

We give preference to Android Studio and our platform is targeted firstly to this enviroment.

Connecting Using Gradle

You can add the library to your project using Gradle.

  1. Copy the vksdk_library directory to your project's directory.

  2. Find the settings.gradle file.


Most likely, it contains something like that:

include ':app'

Edit the line this way:

include ':vksdk_library',':app'

3)Now your project includes vksdk_library module. You need to add it like a dependency to your app. Find the build.gradle file in the subdirectory of your app's module (e.g., YOUR_PROJECT/app/build.gradle).


Add this line to the dependencies.

compile project(':vksdk_library')
Your file can be like that:


Connecting Without Gradle

If your project doesn't support Gradle, you can add SDK by the following way:

  1. Open Project Settings and select Modules.
  2. Click the Add (+) button and select Import module
  3. Find the directory with VK SDK and select vksdk_library, click Add.
  4. Select Create module from existing sources, then click Next two times. Rename the module from "main" to "vksdk", then click Next.
  5. Add the new vksdk module as a dependency to your app's module.

Connecting Using Eclipse

  1. In Package explorer click right mouse button, then click Import.
  2. Select Android/Existing android code into workspace.
  3. Find a folder with SDK, select vksdk_library.
  4. Open Properties of vksdk_library, then Java build path, then Add folder and pick "java" folder
  5. In Properties of your app go to Android, add vksdk_library in the library section.

Editing AndroidManifest.xml

Your need to add to your manifest the following elements:

  1. in the root of you need to add permission
  2. in the element shoud be added to avoid possible problems with running authorizing activity. Using SDK ==========

UIHelper Applying

SDK uses new activities' launch and displaying of some dialogs. This requires up to date information about what activity is now on the screen. So for the correct work of SDK in all of your activities you should to redefine the following methods:

protected void onResume() {

protected void onDestroy() {

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    VKUIHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

SDK Initialization

Your need to initialize SDK when the application runs using this method. VKSdk.initialize(VKSdkListener listener, String appId, VKAccessToken token);

User Authorization

There are several methods for authorization:

VKSdk.authorize(String... scope);
VKSdk.authorize(String[] scope, boolean revoke, boolean forceOAuth);

When succeeded, the following method will be called in the listener: public void onReceiveNewToken(VKAccessToken newToken); In case of error (e.g., user canceled authorization): public abstract void onAccessDenied(VKError authorizationError);

API Requests

Requests Syntax

  1. Plain request. VKRequest request = VKApi.users().get();

  2. Request with parameters. VKRequest request = VKApi.users().get(VKParameters.from(VKApiConst.USER_IDS, "1,2"));

  3. Http (not https) request (only if scope VK_PER_NOHTTPS has been passed).

VKRequest request = VKApi.users().get(VKParameters.from(VKApiConst.USER_IDS, "1,2")); = NO;
  1. Request with predetermined maximum number of attempts.
VKRequest request = VKApi.wall().post(VKParameters.from(VKApiConst.OWNER_ID, "-60479154", VKApiConst.MESSAGE, "Hello, world!"));
request.attempts = 10;
//or infinite
//postReq.attempts = 0;

It will take 10 attempts until succeeds or an API error occurs.

  1. Request that calls a method of VK API. VKRequest request = new VKRequest("friends.get", VKParameters.from(VKApiConst.FIELDS, "sex,bdate,city"));

  2. Request for uploading photos on user wall.

final Bitmap photo = getPhoto();
VKRequest request = VKApi.uploadWallPhotoRequest(new VKUploadImage(photo, VKImageParameters.jpgImage(0.9f)), 0, 60479154);

Requests Sending

request.executeWithListener(new VKRequestListener() {
    public void onComplete(VKResponse response) {
        //Do complete stuff
    public void onError(VKError error) {
        //Do error stuff
    public void onProgress(VKRequest.VKProgressType progressType,
                                     long bytesLoaded,
                                     long bytesTotal)
        //I don't really believe in progress
    public void attemptFailed(VKRequest request, int attemptNumber, int totalAttempts) {
        //More luck next time

Errors Handling

The VKError class contains the errorCode property. Compare its value with the global constant VKError.VK_API_ERROR. If it equals, process the apiError field that contains a description of a VK API error. Otherwise you should handle an http error in the httpError property. Some errors (e.g., captcha error, validation error) can be proccessed by the SDK. Appropriate delegate methods will be called for this purpose. Below is an example of captcha error processing:

public void onCaptchaError(VKError captchaError) {
    new VKCaptchaDialog(captchaError).show();

Batch Processing Requests

SDK gives a feature to execute several unrelated requests at the one call.

  1. Prepare requests.
VKRequest request1 = VKApi.uploadWallPhotoRequest(new VKUploadImage(photo1, VKImageParameters.jpgImage(0.9f)), 0, 60479154);
VKRequest request2 = VKApi.uploadWallPhotoRequest(new VKUploadImage(photo2, VKImageParameters.jpgImage(0.5f)), 0, 60479154);
VKRequest request3 = VKApi.uploadWallPhotoRequest(new VKUploadImage(photo3, VKImageParameters.jpgImage(0.1f)), 0, 60479154);
VKRequest request4 = VKApi.uploadWallPhotoRequest(new VKUploadImage(photo4, VKImageParameters.pngImage()), 0, 60479154);
  1. Combine created requests into one. VKBatchRequest batch = new VKBatchRequest(request1, request2, request3, request4);
  2. Load the obtained request.
batch.executeWithListener(new VKBatchRequestListener() {
    public void onComplete(VKResponse[] responses) {
        String[] photos = new String[responses.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {
            VKPhoto photoModel = ((VKPhotoArray) responses[i].parsedModel).get(0);
            photos[i] = String.format("photo%s_%s", photoModel.owner_id,;
        makePost(VKStringJoiner.join(photos, ","));
    public void onError(VKError error) {
  1. The result of each method returns to a corresponding requestListener. The batch VKResponse for each request in order they have been passed.

Class Reference

See the full classes reference at GitHub pages


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