There are already some libraries out there that allow us to use Google Analytics in shared code. However, all these implementations use the REST API of Google Analytics. This library uses the platform-specific binding libraries.
The current version does not include all features of the Google Analytics library. For me, these are the features that I need for most projects. Feel free to send me a pull request!
Check out the sample!
CrossAnalytics.Current.TrackerId = "XX-XXXXXXXX-X";
CrossAnalytics.Current.TrackEvent("home", "click");
CrossAnalytics.Current.SetCustomDimension(1, "something");
In the latest version (1.0.1), the Android part is dependent on version 42.1001.0 of Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Analytics. For some reason, this NuGet package requires you to enable multi-dex, or your build will fail with the following error:
error MSB6006: "java.exe" exited with code 2
So keep in mind to enable this in your Android properties!