Install OpeniSCSI
- Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y open-iscsi multipath-tools git
- Centos
sudo yum check-update sudo yum -y install iscsi-initiator-utils device-mapper-multipath git
Install ClusterHQ/Flocker
Refer to install notes : https://docs.clusterhq.com/en/latest/docker-integration/install-node.html
Install Prerequisits tools
[Some of these steps may have been completed, as per the previous step]
Ensure that selinux (CentOS/RH) or apparmor (Ubuntu) have been disabled
Ensure that the clusterhq-release , clusterhq-python-flocker, clusterhq-flocker-docker-plugin and cluseterhq-flocker-node have been installed for the appropriate distro and arch
Ensure that the docker service has been started and enabled to run at startup
CentOS/RH Example:
if selinuxenabled; then setenforce 0; fi
test -e /etc/selinux/config && \
sed --in-place='.preflocker' 's/^SELINUX=.*$/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
yum clean all
yum install -y \
https://clusterhq-archive.s3.amazonaws.com/centos/clusterhq-release$(rpm -E %dist).noarch.rpm
yum install -y clusterhq-flocker-node
systemctl enable docker.service
systemctl start docker.service
- Install and Configure 'multipath'
- Ensure there is a valid multipath.conf file
- systemctl enable multipathd
- systemctl start multipathd
- Install Datera Plugin
Flocker comes with its own Python context. Flocker also depends on the ClusterHQ forked repository of 'testtools' You must install the plugin and Datera Python SDK within the Flocker Python context. You CANNOT use the default Python command.
git clone https://github.com/datera/python-sdk
cd python-sdk
sudo /opt/flocker/bin/python2.7 setup.py install
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/datera/datera-flocker-driver
cd datera-flocker-driver
sudo /opt/flocker/bin/pip install --upgrade --process-dependency-links .[dev] \
sudo /opt/flocker/bin/python2.7 setup.py install
To start the plugin on a node, a configuration file must exist on the node at /etc/flocker/agent.yml. This should be as follows, replacing ${datera_ip}, ${datera_user} and ${datera_password} with the ip/hostname, username and password of Datera Mgmt IP port:
version: 1
backend: datera_flocker_plugin
mgmt_addr: ${datera_ip}
user: ${datera_user}
password: ${datera_password}
cluster_id: "flocker-"
To verify the datera-flocker-plugin, setup the config file (edit values for your environment)
export DATERA_FLOCKER_CFG=/etc/flocker/datera.yml
user: ${Datera_USERNAME}
password: ${Datera_PASSWORD}
mgmt_addr: ${Datera_MGMT_IP}
cluster_id: "flocker-"
Run the tests
cd datera_flocker_plugin
/opt/flocker/bin/trial datera_flocker_plugin.test_datera
You should see below if all was succesfull
PASSED (successes=27)
Create a fork of the project into your own reposity. Make all your necessary changes and create a pull request with a description on what was added or removed and details explaining the changes in lines of code. If approved, project owners will merge it.
Datera will not provide legal guidance on which open source license should be used in projects. We do expect that all projects and contributions will have a valid open source license, or align to the appropriate license for the project/contribution
Copyright [2015] [Datera Corporation]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Please file bugs and issues at the Github issues page. For more general discussions you can contact the Flocker team at Google Groups or tagged with Datera on Stackoverflow.com. The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.