##Live Vocabulary Observer
usage: vocalive.py [-h] [-m Length] [-o File] Address
Live Vocabulary Observer
positional arguments:
Address Web address to learn from
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m Length Word minimum length. Default = 2
-o File, --output File
File to save learned words
This tool creates a dictionary using the words found at the specified web address. Let's say you wanted to make a list of all the unique words present in an html page. All you have to do is run:
./vocalive.py -o out_file.txt http://blog.example.com
It will create a file named "out_file.txt" in the same folder containing the unique words found in blog.example.com web page. You may specify the minimum length of words using the -m
parameter. If you don't set that, the default length is 2 characters.
####Required modules A few python modules are required for proper use. Be sure to install argparse, requests, and BeautifulSoup.
pip install argparse
pip install requests
pip install BeautifulSoup
####Feature requests are very welcome! Please start a new issue on the top right corner of the screen for better organization.