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If you wonder what this should do

see exercise description. You can check how application works on this video

If you want to know how I proceeded in this project

Whole project is in typescript - apart Jest unit tests and Cypress E2E tests; these uses pure js.

  1. State management

    I used react ctx with custom made state management similar to 'redux' solution.

    Reasoning: I'm fully aware that for this example, simple prop passing would be an easier and cleaner solution. What I aimed to show was that I'm capable of implementing more complex state management without any 3rd party solution. In the real world, I'd use probably react-apollo and thus local cache queries for state management.

  2. Storage

    Project uses localforage for a persistence of wishlisted books.

  3. Components and accessibility

    All components are self-made and responsive - apart from loading SVG during data fetching and partially re-used search input. I applied techniques that should ensure that this app provides very good results regarding accessibility. During development I used react-axe for most precise guideline following with eslint plugin: jsx-a11y/recommended

  4. Styling

    After some thinking, I've decided to use styled-components for styling. I've provided an example of the theme set-up with for typing support in typescript. To improve the power of css-in-js solution, I've decided to re-use some helpful ideas from sass world via package polished

  5. Testing & Project Development tweaks

    Jest unit tests and Cypress E2E tests; yarn test:unit yarn test:e2e -- make sure app is running before e2e tests by yarn start I also uses rollbar for error reporting - and pre-commit hook doing linting + formatting running via husky and lint-staged

Bonus: There is small example of self-made hook and whole project uses FC based concept of writing.

Potential improvements

Project right now exceeds requirements from the exercise description. Though it doesn't mean there can't be improvement :)

  1. usage of router for routing to separate page with wishlisted books
  2. caching of requests to show immediate responses and provide possibility of optimistic updates
  3. pagination or infinite loading -- I had to limit work on this project, so I didn't proceed with this solution, though I originally wanted.
  4. better visuals + usage of motion for animations


Homework for eBay






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