Capstone Senior Project
Cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction (heart attack) and congestive heart failure are the leading causes of death in the United States.Microbial sepsis, which is increasingly common in a time of rising antibiotic resistance, is the second most common cause of death in hospitals. Multiple and frequent hospital re-admissions within 30 days of discharge for non-specific decompensated congestive heart failure are an enormous drain on hospital resources and healthcare budgets. An inexpensive, non-invasive, and wearable “early warning” device predictive of impending cardiac decompensation (failure of the heart to accommodate a secondary condition such as sepsis) could be used as a telemedicine tool to continuously monitor ambulatory patients, whether hospitalized or otherwise. In case of adverse cardiovascular decline, such a solution would create a window of time in which to intervene to avertor mitigate the crisis, thereby saving many lives and much treasure. An interdisciplinary team (ME + CS) will work together to design a hardware-software platform to monitor heart beats. For CS side, the requirements are: 1)Develop a data analysis software which a.visualize sensor data streams collected from the heart monitor;b.performs anomaly detection using machine learning models;c.has a user-friendly interface for non-CS users;2)An analysis on the performance of different models;3)If time permitted, optimize the system for the purpose of pseudo real-time detection. The team can work on the MIT open source dataset ( to getstarted, before our data becomes available from Rowan collaborators.
##### Virtual environment setup:
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python3 -m venv mypthonenv
source mypythonenv/bin/activate
pip3 install django djangorestframework django-filter django-rest-auth django-cors-headers psycopg2-binary pandas scikit-learn joblib gunicorn django-debug-toolbar
Install backend:
cd to /backend/django_app
pip install requirements.txt
###### Install Python:
>$ sudo apt install python3
>$ python ––version
###### Install Node.JS:
> install with the downloaded windows installer
> if issues occur, check path variables
>$ sudo apt install nodejs
>$ sudo apt install npm
>$ nodejs -v
###### Install Django:
>$ py -m pip install Django
Make sure to update path variables to run the djando-admin script
>$ sudo apt install python3-django
Other installs:
>$ pip3 install django-cors-headers
>$ pip3 install graphene-django
>$ pip3 install graphene-django
>$ pip3 install psycopg2-binary
>$ pip3 install django-filter
###### Clone repo:
>$ git clone
###### Dependancy Setup:
In terminal or code cd to frontend folder
With yarn:
> $ yarn
With npm:
> $ npm install
###### How to run locally:
cd in one terminal to backend:
>$ python runserver
cd in another terminal to frontend:
>$ yarn start
>$ npm start
Assuming docker is installed in your system:
# To build an image
docker-compose build
# To run the image
docker-compose up
# To stop the image
docker-compose stop
If the image is up:
- The backend will be located in localhost:8000/graphql
- The frontend will be located in localhost:3000