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Powershell script shows which serial ports are for which function on …
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henrygab authored Nov 8, 2024
1 parent 1a0f97c commit a593770
Showing 1 changed file with 218 additions and 0 deletions.
218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions hacks/show_port_info.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

# execute as follows:
# First, load the script from a Windows Powershell prompt:
# . .\show_port_info.ps1
# If necessary, permit the loading of the script (only after reviewing what the script does below):
# Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
# Then, run the function that was defined by the script:
# Get-BusPirateDetails
# If something goes awry, you can execute the script with more verbose output:
# Get-BusPirateDetails -Verbose -Debug

# Example output with a single BusPirate5 device connected:
# PS C:\Users\ian> Get-BusPirateDetails
# InstanceId : USB\VID_1209&PID_7331\FEDCBA9876543210
# Serial : FEDCBA9876543210
# Location : Port_#0003.Hub_#0007
# InstanceID_Terminal : USB\VID_1209&PID_7331&MI_00\8&32E00187&0&0000
# Port_Terminal : COM55
# InstanceID_Binary : USB\VID_1209&PID_7331&MI_02\8&32E00187&0&0002
# Port_Binary : COM56
# InstanceId_Storage : USB\VID_1209&PID_7331&MI_04\8&32E00187&0&0004
# Which shows that, to connect to the terminal of this BP5, one should use COM55.
# similarly, the binary serial port is using COM56.

function Has-Property {
param (

# Not all objects have the 'PSObject' property nor the 'Properties' property
# So the following commented-out code is not great with strict mode enabled.
# if ($Object.PSObject.Properties.Match($PropertyName) -eq $null) {
# return $true;
# } else {
# return $false;
# }

# Instead, brute force it (not great performance-wise, but it works)
if ($Object -eq $null) {
return $false;
$properties = $Object | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
if ($properties.Name -contains $PropertyName) {
return $true;
} else {
return $false;

function Get-BusPirate {
# USB VID and PID for the Bus Pirate devices seems to fluctuate slightly?
# 0x1209 / 0x7331 - Bus Pirate 5
# 0x1209 / 0x7332 - Bus Pirate 5
# The composite device instance ID is of the form:
# USB\VID_1209&PID_7331\{serial}
# The interface instance IDs are of the form:
# USB\VID_1209&PID_7331&MI{interface}\{USB_Specific_Path}
# Get only the composite (root) device (no `MI{interface}`)
Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly |
Where-Object {
$_.InstanceId -match '^USB\\VID_1209&PID_733[\dA-Fa-f]\\'

function Get-BusPirateDetails {
param (

Write-Verbose "Function Entry - Get-BusPirateDetails"

[System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$errors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new();

[CimInstance]$rootDevice = $null;

# get all instances, if no instance ID was provided
if (-not $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('InstanceId')) {
Get-BusPirate |% {
Get-BusPirateDetails -InstanceId $_;
} elseif ($InstanceId -is [CimInstance]) {
$rootDevice = $InstanceId;
} elseif ($InstanceId -is [String]) {
$rootDevice = Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly -InstanceId $InstanceId;
} else {
Out-Error "Unsupported input type: $($InstanceId.GetType().FullName) -- Only support [String] and [CimInstance]";

Write-Verbose "Processing root device $($rootDevice.InstanceId)"

$resultObj = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ InstanceId = $device.InstanceId };

# Hack ... the serial number is the tail end of the instance ID
$serialNumber = ($rootDevice.InstanceId -split '\\')[-1];
Write-Verbose "Serial number: $($serialNumber)"
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Serial -Value $serialNumber;

# The USB hub and port data is sometimes useful
$location = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId $rootDevice.InstanceId -KeyName DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo).Data;
Write-Verbose "Location: $($location)"
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Location -Value $location

# Each composite device has a list of child devices, one for each interface.
[String[]]$interfaces = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId $rootDevice.InstanceId -KeyName DEVPKEY_Device_BusRelations).Data
Write-Verbose "Found $($interfaces.Count) interfaces"
$interfaces |% { Write-Verbose "Interface: $_" }

# Loop through those interfaces to add additional information to the result object
$interfaces |% {

Write-Verbose "Processing interface $_"

[CimInstance] $interface = Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly -InstanceId $_;

Write-Verbose " FriendlyName: $interface.FriendlyName"

# Mass storage devices (MSC) have a friendly name of the form "USB Mass Storage Device"
# Serial ports (CDC) have a friendly name of the form "USB Serial Device (COM<n>)" (where <n> is a decimal number)
if ($interface.FriendlyName -match 'USB Mass Storage Device') {

# add the mass storage instanceID to the result object
if (Has-Property -PSObject $resultObj -PropertyName 'InstanceId_Storage') {
$errors.Add("Multiple storage interfaces detected: $($interface.InstanceId) friendlyName $($interface.FriendlyName)");
} else {
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstanceId_Storage -Value $interface.InstanceId;

} elseif ($interface.FriendlyName -match 'USB Serial Device \(COM(\d+)\)') {

$port = "COM$($Matches[1])";

# The actual type of the CDC interface is defined by the bus-reported device description
# Currently, two CDC interfaces are supported, reporting the name as either:
# Bus Pirate BIN
# Bus Pirate CDC
$interfaceName = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId $interface.InstanceId -KeyName DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc).Data;

if ($interfaceName -match 'CDC$') {

if ( Has-Property -PSObject $resultObj -PropertyName 'InstanceId_Terminal') {
$errors.Add("Multiple CDC interfaces (a) detected: $($interface.InstanceId) / $($interface.FriendlyName) / $($interfaceName)");
} elseif (Has-Property -PSObject $resultObj -PropertyName 'Port_Terminal') {
$errors.Add("Multiple CDC interfaces (b) detected: $($interface.InstanceId) / $($interface.FriendlyName) / $($interfaceName)");
} else {
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstanceID_Terminal -Value $interface.InstanceId;
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Port_Terminal -Value $port;

} elseif ($interfaceName -match 'BIN') {

if ( Has-Property -PSObject $resultObj -PropertyName 'InstanceId_Binary') {
$errors.Add("Multiple BIN interfaces (a) detected: $($interface.InstanceId) / $($interface.FriendlyName) / $($interfaceName)");
} elseif (Has-Property -PSObject $resultObj -PropertyName 'Port_Binary') {
$errors.Add("Multiple BIN interfaces (b) detected: $($interface.InstanceId) / $($interface.FriendlyName) / $($interfaceName)");
} else {
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstanceID_Binary -Value $interface.InstanceId;
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Port_Binary -Value $port;

} else {

$errors.Add("Unknown CDC interface: $($interface.InstanceId) / $($interface.FriendlyName) / $($interfaceName)");


} else {

$errors.Add("Unknown interface type: $($interface.InstanceId) / $($interface.FriendlyName)");



# Verify all the expected information was added.
[String[]]$MandatoryProperties = @('InstanceId', 'Serial', 'Location', 'InstanceId_Terminal', 'Port_Terminal', 'InstanceId_Binary', 'Port_Binary', 'InstanceId_Storage');
$MandatoryProperties |% {
Write-Verbose "Checking for property: $_"
[String]$propertyToCheck = $_;
if (-not (Has-Property -Object $resultObj -PropertyName $propertyToCheck)) {
Write-Verbose "Did not find property: $_"
$errors.Add("Missing property: $($propertyToCheck)");

# $errors.Add("Test error");

# Were there any errors detected?
if ($errors.Count -eq 0) {
return $resultObj;
} elseif ($IncludeResultsWithErrors) {
$resultObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Errors -Value $errors;
return $resultObj;
# else had errors, but flag to return objects with errors was not provided.
Write-Error "Detected $($errors.Count) errors for device $($rootDevice.InstanceId)";
$errors |% {
Write-Debug " Error: $($_)";

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