Daniel Stusalitus http://a1-danstus.glitch.me/
This project shows a simple website with some basic information about myself, and demonstrates basic proficiency with using HTML, CSS, and JS.
- Styled page with CSS: Added rules for font-size on p selector to increase the size of the text and make it more visible. Added width for individual table columns and a border rule for cells, rows, and tables, to make the table and individual cells clearly visible and consistent in appearance.
- Used other HTML Tags: The table tag (and tr, th, and td tags that make up the table) were used to present my experience with various coding languages/technologies. The script tag was used to allow for the technologies to be sorted alphabetically A-Z or Z-A by pressing on the column header labelled 'Technology'.
- Used the Spectral Font from Google Fonts: I used Spectral as the font for the primary text in my site.