A stirpped down version of the BigSleep NoteBook edited to support initiolization around latent spaces of a chosen class or mix of classes. This simple change allows better convergence for related prompts and more appealing results. This notebooks is optimized to run on GoogleColab enviorment, but with very few changes it would work in any other.
This notebook is a fork of https://colab.research.google.com/drive/12CnlS6lRGtieWujXs3GQ_OlghmFyl8ch?usp=sharing
a cottage of a hobbit in the alp on top of a hill
starting class "alp"
a hover car parked in a cyberpunk city
starting classes "street sign" "street car" "stoplight"
a mountainside hotel in the style of Thomas Kinkade
starting class "alp" "castle"
bladerunner skyline
starting classes "street sign" "street car" "stoplight"
the gateway between dreams
starting class "church"