The group has created a Lab Reservation System for the Machine Project. Here are some instructions to setup the system.
- Clone the repository either using the command below or by downloading the contents of the repository.
Command to clone the repository: git clone
- Open Command Prompt inside the folder where the files are placed.
- Run "npm install" to initialize and install all necessary modules used in the project.
- Run "node add_data.js" to add data to the database. This will allow the user to login using certain accounts. Then, if needed, press "Ctrl + C".
Format of User Logins Below: (email) (password)
List of Possible User Logins: [email protected] CCAPDEV_prof
[email protected] AJ123
[email protected] lolafobic
[email protected] ELC1123
- Run "node index.js". This will start the local server. Use "localhost:3000" to get access to the server through a browser.