MCO Phase 1
Phase 1 – Front End Development
- For this phase, the group is required to develop the front-end view of their selected web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Aside from base CSS and JavaScript, the group may also use interface libraries like Bootstrap, meteor, and React, among others.
- All views by all users should be visible and navigable from the index webpage. The group is required to implement the front-end view of all features described in the project specifications document. The back-end logic of the minimum features is not yet required to be implemented in this phase.
- Data may be hardcoded for now. There should be at least 5 sample data for each applicable feature. Data encoded should be life-like, thus no lorem ipsum generated paragraphs. For example, in a forum web application, there should be at least 5 sample users, 5 sample posts, and 5 sample comments across the web application.
What's Changed
- Post-branch merge request by @Retraxi in #2
- Add Snackbar message alerts feature to main branch by @Lloyd26 in #4
- Register by @GcpAps in #3
- Profile by @picololo99 in #5
- Add files via upload by @picololo99 in #7
- Post branch 2nd merge by @Retraxi in #8
- Added voting functionality to comments and replies by @Lloyd26 in #9
- Add files via upload by @picololo99 in #10
- Add files via upload by @picololo99 in #11
New Contributors
- @Retraxi made their first contribution in #2
- @Lloyd26 made their first contribution in #4
- @GcpAps made their first contribution in #3
Full Changelog: