v0.1.4-beta - Early rabbit version
The CLI has reached a good point of maturity, as of now some bugs may still be present and not the full API of BunnyCDN have been implemented.
The goal of this pre-release is to improve the documentation for new users, please leave feedback or comments if you run into issues.
Installation procedure from docs: https://dkfn.github.io/bunnycdn-cli/docs/install
This is the only native release method for now. More operating systems will be supported native
Using this method will not get you autoupdates
wget http://cdn.infra.tetel.in/bunnycdn-cli/nightly/deb/bnycdn_0.1.4-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i bnycdn_0.1.4-1_amd64.deb
wget http://cdn.infra.tetel.in/bunnycdn-cli/nightly/deb/bnycdn_0.1.4-1_armel.deb
sudo dpkg -i bnycdn_0.1.4-1_armel.deb
This is great if you already have NodeJS installed (>= 8.0.0) and you can update the cli with a simple command.
Also, it is the only way to get it working on unsupported systems.
$ npm install -g bnycdn
You should be able to execute bunnycdn connands :
$ bnycdn help
Simple cli for BunnyCDN service. This app is not an official one.
bnycdn/0.1.4 linux-x64 node-v8.10.0
$ bnycdn [COMMAND]
cp This is the cp-like command for BunnyCDN storages.
help display help for bnycdn
key To add / delete / set a key for a pullzon or a storage
ls describe the command here
pz Only allows you to list pull zones so far
I hope that you have a great time using the CLI :)