This generator generates the grid on a given url with the help of DHTMLX Grid.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
$ php composer.phar require "dhtmlx/dhtmlx-gii": "dev-master"
or add
"dhtmlx/dhtmlx-gii": "dev-master"
to the require
section of your composer.json
After that you can install new package:
$ php composer.phar update
//if your gii modules configuration looks like below:
$config['bootstrap'][] = 'gii';
$config['modules']['gii'] = 'yii\gii\Module';
//remove this two lines
//Add this into common/config/web.php
$config['bootstrap'][] = 'gii';
$config['modules']['gii'] = [
'class' => 'yii\gii\Module',
'generators' => [
'dhtmlx-one-table' => [
'class' => 'DHTMLX\Gii\SingleTable\Generator',
'dhtmlx-many-tables' => [
'class' => 'DHTMLX\Gii\ManyTables\Generator',