A simple API that can check similarities between 2 texts
Make a post request to /registration to create users
Users have usernames,passwords and tokens
{"username": "popo",
"password: "popo"}
Make a post request to /detection to check for similarity
Each check costs 1 token, correct username and password
{"username": "popo",
"password: "popo",
"text1: "cats are cool"
"text2: "cats are REAAAAALLY cool"}
Make a post request to /refill to refill your token (the admin_password is "meow", its required.)
"refill_amount": 100
If you want to run locally, comment out
client = MongoClient('mongodb://db:27017')
Comment in
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017')
I included docker compose in it so If you have docker, feel free to
docker build
docker compose