services | platforms | author |
storage,virtual-machines |
powershell |
ramankum |
These samples demonstrate how to get started with Azure PowerShell to perform various operations on Azure Managed Disks for common scenarios. Each sample respresents a scenario that you want to implement using Azure PowerShell and Managed Disks.
- Install the latest version of Azure PowerShell
- A Microsoft Azure subscription. If you don't have a Microsoft Azure subscription you can get a FREE trial account here
- Create a Managed OS Disk from a specialized VHD file
- Create a Managed data Disk from a VHD file
- Create Managed Disks from a snapshot
- Create a virtual machine by attaching an existing Managed Disk as OS Disk
- Create Managed Disks from VHD file in another subscription
- Create Snapshots from VHD file in another subscription
- Copy a Managed snapshot to a GRS/RA-GRS Storage account for Disaster Recovery
- Golden image scenario - Create a Managed Image from a VHD file in a different subscription
- Start Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) in Administrator Mode
- At this point, you can either:
- Create a new script and copy and paste a script from this repo into the new file: Click File > New
- Or download/clone this repo and open a script from this repo: Click File > Open
- Provide the appropriate values for each variable (e.g. "Subscription Name", "Storage Account Name", etc.). Note: The angled brackets should not be included in the values you provide.
- Run the script by pressing F5 or clicking the "Run Script" icon.