This repo is under heavy development.
Snake Solver is an AI-played Snake game, looking for perfect solution in shortest steps. The GUI is implemented with PyGame. The algorithm is a mixed method of BFS, Hamiltonian path, A* searching and forward checking.
- A* algorithm:
Calculate gscore and heuristic distance, then add them up as tentative gscore. Comparing T-gscore of possible moves to find best move.
- Forward checking:
Find shortest Path(Based on BFS) between head and apple.
After the snake eats apple, Whether it can find its tail. If yes, then return the path from 1); If no, continue.
Let the snake move to its tail along the longest path (Adding steps into the shortest path to make it as longest as possible).
- Mixed Strategy(Forward Checking&BFS):
Find shortest Path between head and apple.
After the snake eats apple, Whether it can find its tail. If yes, then return the path from 1); If no, continue.
Let the snake move one step (Choose one direction). After this move, the snake should find its tail and is farest from apple then the other three directions.
- Almighty move:
Automatically construct a path or combination of pathes which covers the whole area of the graph.
- Al Sweigart. (2012). Wormy. Making Games with Python & Pygame. Retrieved from
- Shu Kong, Joan Aguilar Mayans. (2014). Automated Snake Game Solvers via AI Search Algorithms. Retrieved from
- Chuyangliu. Path solver. Retrieved from