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Documentation for minecraft 1.7

Enver Bral edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 1 revision

This mod adds a small command '\getfluids' which allows you to retrieve some info about all the available fluids ingame. Note that this command is only usable client-side.

Below you can find a list of possible config options for your new converter. The options with a * MUST be defined.

groupId *

The unique id of the converter, this will be used internally in the mod to determine which block corresponds to which fluid group. Changing this id will invalidate all the existing converters in the world with that old groupId.


The display name of that converter. Not defining this will result in the groupId being shown as display name.

fluidElements *

A list of fluid elements defined like this:

    fluidElements : [
            fluidName: "lava",
            value: 1.0
            fluidName: "water",
            value: 2.0


Each element must have the 'fluidName' and 'value' fields. 'fluidName' refers to the fluid name to convert. 'value' indicates the value of this fluid. When a fluid enters a converter, it is converted to units by multiplying its amount by its value. For example when 100mB of lava with a configured value of 2 enter a converter, the converter will contain 200 units for that fluid group. When water for example in that group has a value of 4 and is being drained from another side, the 200 units will be divided by the value 4, which will result in 50 mB of water. (This is in case there is no lossRatio configured.


Default : 0.0 When the converter is outputting/ is being drained, a loss ratio can be applied. When the 'lossRatio' is configured as 0.5, for each unit that is drained, another half unit will be drained.


Default: true If this fluid group has a recipe. The recipe for all fluid groups is the following:

iron_ingot  _ iron_ingot
gold_nugget X gold_nugget
iron_ingot  _ iron_ingot

With '_' an empty space and 'X' being every possible fluid container for all the fluids in the given fluid group.