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Rubic Smart Contracts


Rubic contracts were audited by MixBytes


Table of contents

  1. How It Works
  2. Architecture
    1. Contract Flow
    2. Diamond Helper Contracts
  3. Repository Structure
  4. Getting Started
    1. INSTALL
    2. TEST
    3. TEST With Foundry/Forge
  5. Contract Docs
  6. Configuration
    1. Before deployment
    2. After deployment
  7. Deploy


The Rubic Contract is built using the EIP-2535 (Multi-facet Proxy) standard. The contract logic lives behind a single contract that in turn uses DELEGATECALL to call facet contracts that contain the business logic.

All business logic is built using facet contracts which live in src/Facets.

Since all tokens have to be approved to our contracts. And because it is not safe to approve them to Upgradeable contracts. Rubic has another contract being a single non-upgradeable entrypoint. This contract transfers tokens from user to the main contract and nothing more. So all the user's tokens are approved to it and this is safe.

For more information on EIP-2535 you can view the entire EIP here.

Contract Flow

A basic example would be a user bridging from one chain to another using Symbiosis. The user would interact with the ERC20Proxy contract which will transfer assets (native or ERC20) from user to the RubicMultiProxy. Then the main contract will delegate to the SymbiosisFacet and call this way a Symbiosis MetaRouter with specified parameters.

The basic flow is illustrated below.

graph TD;
    ERC20Proxy--> D{RubicMultiProxy};
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->GenericCrossChainFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->GenericSwapFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->MultichainFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->StargateFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->SymbiosisFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->XYFacet;

Diamond Helper Contracts

The RubicMultiProxy contract is deployed along with some helper contracts that facilitate things like upgrading facet contracts, look-ups for methods on facet contracts, ownership checking and withdrawals of funds. For specific details please check out EIP-2535.

graph TD;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->DiamondCutFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->DiamondLoupeFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->OwnershipFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->WithdrawFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->FeesFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->AccessManagerFacet;
    D{RubicMultiProxy}-- DELEGATECALL -->DexManagerFacet;

Repository Structure

│                   // you are here
│ ...                         // setup and development configuration files
├─── config                   // service configuration files
├─── constants                // general constants
├─── deployments              // Rubic contract's addresses can be found here
├─── deploy                   // deployment scripts
├─── diamondABI               // Diamond ABI definition
├─── export                   // deployed results
├─── scripts                  // scripts containing sample calls for demonstration
├─── src                      // the contract code
│   ├── Facets                // service facets
│   ├── Interfaces            // interface definitions
│   └── Libraries             // library definitions
│   │ generateDiamondABI.ts   // script to generate Diamond ABI including all facets
├─── test                     // contract unit tests
│   ├─── facets               // facet tests
│   ├─── fixtures             // service fixtures for running the tests
│   └─── utils                // testing utility functions
└─── utils                    // utility scripts

Contract Docs

You can read more details documentation on each facet here. Sample requests to fetch transactions for each facet can be found at the end of each section.

Getting Started

Make sure to copy .env.example to .env and fill out the missing values.




yarn test

TEST With Foundry/Forge

Make sure to install the latest version of Foundry by downloading the installer.

curl -L | bash

Then, in a new terminal session or after reloading your PATH, run it to get the latest forge and cast binaries:


Install dependencies

forge install

Run tests

forge test


yarn test:forge


Before deployment

For the complete deployment of the project some configuration must be performed.

  1. There are some config files placed in config directory:
    1. dexs.json - addresses of DEXs that should be whitelisted on corresponding blockchain
    2. sigs.json - function's signatures that should be whitelisted on corresponding blockchain
    3. Configs related to a specific cross-chain provider:
      1. multichain.json - For each blockchain: anyNative - address of AnyToken which underlying is WNative, routers - address allowed to be called within MultichainFacet
      2. multichainTokens.json - For each blockcahin: chainID, mappings - array of tokenAddress address of ANY token and anyTokenAddress address of original token
      3. symbiosis.json - For each blockchain: metaRouter - address of Symbiosis metaRouter, gateway - address of Symbiosis gateway
      4. stargate.json - routers - address of the Stargate router for each blockchain; For each blockchain: chainId - blockchain ID, lzChainId - Stargate's original blockchain ID; pools: For each blockchain: address - address of target token, id - corresponding Stargate's target pool ID
      5. xy.json - For each blockchain: XSwapper - address of the XSwapper
    4. offests.json - For each blockchain: an array of structs (router - address of provider's router, selector - selector of function being configured, offset - position in calldata to patch)
    5. fees.json - Contains maxRubicFee spread for all blockchains; For each blockchain: feeTreasury address, maxFixedNativeFee
  2. RPC urls have to be inserted in .env file

After deployment

After the deployment some settings can be altered.

  1. Fees:
    1. setMaxRubicPlatformFee - set max token fee in percents
    2. setRubicPlatformFee - set current token fee in percents
    3. setFixedNativeFee - set current fixed native fee
    4. setIntegratorInfo - set updates fee info related to specific integrator: tokenFee, Rubic share of token fee, fixed native fee, Rubic share of fixed native fee
    5. setFeeTreasure - set address of fee treasury
  2. Dexes:
    1. addDex, batchAddDex - add DEX's address in whitelist
    2. removeDex, batchRemoveDex - remove DEX's address from whitelist
    3. setFunctionApprovalBySignature, batchSetFunctionApprovalBySignature - add or remove signature from whitelist
  3. Diamond:
    1. diamondCut - add, remove or alter a Facet


You can deploy the entire project by running:

yarn deploy <network> --tags DeployAllFacets

You can deploy individual facets by running:

yarn deploy <network> --tags Deploy<facet> // e.g. DeployNXTPFacet

DEX Manager is a special facet that manages allowed DEXs and allowed function calls. You can update these allowed DEXs/functions by updating /config/dex.ts and then running:

yarn deploy <network> --tags DeployDexManagerFacet