This repository contains the following folders:
: contains the folder gmp-6.1.2, a and a Dockerfile that allow to build binsec from sources. -
: contains the Post-Quantum Digital Signatures Schemes (PQDSS) implementations, submitted in the context of NIST Call for proposals for PQC-based signature schemes. The candidates are classified according to the type-based signature scheme. Here are the different folders:code
. The foldercandidates
contains the filetoolchain_randombytes.h
in which is defined the functionrandombytes()
(copy of the functionrandombytes()
). That function is used to generate a random message as an input ofcrypto_sign()
for the candidateCROSS
(when the given tool isctgrind
). Indeed, we have some issues to use the functionKAT_NIST_rng.h
proposed byCROSS
submitters. -
: contains required files (Dockerfile, .sh files) to build a Docker image consisting of the required packages and requirements to compile and run candidates with the following constant-time check tools: binsec, ctgrind, dudect and flowtracker -
: consist of the following
: contains the functions that generate the CMakeLists.txt/Makefile of the candidates. For almost each candidate, the content of the CMakeLists.txt/Makefile is a copy, except the targets for tests and kat files generation, of the one proposed in the candidate
: contains generic functions for tools templates and other required files generation, functions to compile and run tools on the targets
: contains the functionscompile_run_candidate
that allows to compile targets and run tests with a given tool. The scripts that create main parser and subparsers for candidates are also part of this file.
: Excel file consisting in a table of the results of the tests with the tools.
- Tools libraries/packages: each of the tools above-mentioned has its requirements and necessary packages/libraries for compilation and execution of a given target. Our Dockerfile allows to not worry about all those requirements as "everything" is already taken into account.
- Tool's required files to test a candidate: each of the tools need a specific file, related to the candidate to test. Our scripts allow to generate automatically all needed files (.c, .xml, .ini, etc.).
- Tools commands to run a candidate: each tool has its own commands (including necessary flags for compilation and commands for execution). Those requirements are also taken into account by our scripts.
- Test many instances of a (many) candidate(s): generating required files, compiling and running a given candidate for all tools could take a non-negligible amount of time, especially when the tests must be performed on many instances of many candidates. Our scripts allow to gain a significant amount of time to achieve that goal.
- With our scripts, one can generate templates, improve them manually, compile and run tests.
For Docker Desktop installation, please visit:
cd toochain
docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/CONTAINER_NAME DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME:VERSION /bin/bash
If, for any reason, one encounters issues on running binsec on some platforms, please build binsec from source by referring to:
To see the list of all integrated candidates, type:
python3 toolchain-scripts/ -h
To see the list of all options for test of a given target (candidate), type:
python3 toolchain-scripts/ CANDIDATE -h
python3 mirith -h
: list of tools that a given candidate will be tested with. Ex: binsec, ctgrind, dudect etc.. The tools are white space-separated -
: type-based signature. Ex: code, isogeny, lattice etc. -
: NIST candidate. Ex: mirith, sqisign, perk, mira etc. -
: the Optimized Implementation folder. For most of the candidates, this folder is named Optimized_Implementation -
: the list of the different parameters set based folders. Ex: mirith_avx2_Ia_fast mirith_hypercube_avx2_IIIb_shortest etc.. The instance folders are white space-separated. -
: the relative path to api.h from TOOL_NAME/INSTANCE_FOLDER/CANDIDATE_keypair(or sign). Ex: From the folder mpc-in-the-head/mirith/Optimized_Implementation/ctgrind/mirith_avx2_Ia_fast/mirith_keypair, the real relative path to api.h would be: rel_path_to_api ="../../../mirith_avx2_Ia_fast/api.h". But the script would add automatically the name of the instance. Thus, rel_path_to_api ="../../../api.h". If the file api.h doesn't contain the declaration of the crypto_sign_keypair and crypto_sign functions, then rel_path_to_api = "". -
: Similar to rel_path_to_api. -
: by default, its value is yes. If the targeted executable has already been generated in a previous execution, and if we just want to run the test, then set this option to no. -
: by default, its value is yes. If we just want to compile, then set this option to no. -
: this flag is meant for the use of binsec tool. The default value in our implementation is 1000000. But the default value set by the authors of binsec tool is 1000. -
: the default name of build folder is build. -
: the patterns of the algorithm to be tested. default value: keypair, sign -
: for some of the candidates, the folder containing the header file, (rng.h, randombytes, etc.), in which is defined the function that generates random data. -
: additional CMakeLists.txt definitions to compile the target candidate -
: candidate instance security level. This flag is specially for vox. The default value is 256 -
: number of measurements for Dudect. The default value is 1e4. -
: timeout for dudect execution. The default value is 86400. To run dudect without timeout, set the value of this option to no -
: The target implementation to test. The possible values are: opt, ref and add for Reference, Optimized and Additional Implementations respectively.
To test a candidate by a targeted tool, run:
python3 toolchain-scripts/ CANDIDATE --tools TOOLS --instance_folders_list INSTANCE --ref_opt_add_implementation TARGET_IMPLEMENTATION
python3 toolchain-scripts/ CANDIDATE --tools TOOLS --ref_opt_add_implementation TARGET_IMPLEMENTATION
python3 toolchain-scripts/ -a TOOLS OPTION1=VALUE1 OPTION2=VALUE2
where possible OPTIONi
- number_measurements (for Dudect)
- timeout (for Dudect)
- depth (for binsec)
- ref_opt_add_implementation (for all tools)
- algorithms_patterns (for all tools)
are among the chosen tools of our toolchain.
: That option works only on the optimized implementation for now.
It could work on the additional and reference implementations, but some changes
need to be done in the script. We are working on it to make it automatic.
- 1 instance of the optimized implementation of mirith
python3 toolchain-scripts/ mirith --tools binsec --instance_folders_list mirith_avx2_Ia_fast --ref_opt_add_implementation opt
- all instances of the optimized implementation of mirith
python3 toolchain-scripts/ mirith --tools binsec --ref_opt_add_implementation opt
If we want to run the tests for the sign()
function only:
python3 toolchain-scripts/ mirith --tools binsec --ref_opt_add_implementation opt --algorithms_patterns sign
- all instances of all candidates
Run dudect on the Optimized implementation
of crypto_sign()
algorithm for all instances of all integrated candidates with a timeout of 10
minutes (600
with 100K
number of measurements.
python3 toolchain-scripts/ -a dudect ref_opt_add_implementation=opt number_measurements=1e5 timeout=600 algorithms_patterns=sign
To be able to test a candidate, in this project, proceed as follows:
:- write a function that generates the
for the candidate.- cmake_CANDIDATE(path_to_cmake_lists,tool_type,candidate)
- makefile_CANDIDATE(path_to_makefile_folder, subfolder, tool_name, candidate)
- Call the function just written in the body of the function
- write a function that generates the
:- Add the name of the candidate in one of the lists
, local variables of the functioncompile_run_candidate
- Add the candidate name to the list
. - Add the candidate name to the dictionary
depending on its category. - Add the candidate required data to the dictionary
- Define the candidate implementation folders, just like
- Add the name of the candidate in one of the lists
type-based signature
└── candidate
├── Optimization folder
├── Tool name
├── Instance
├── candidate_keypair
│ ├── required files for tests (.c file, .xml, .ini)
│ ├── output file of the test (.txt)
├── candidate_sign
│ ├── required files for tests (.c file, .xml, .ini)
│ ├── output file of the test (.txt)
├── build
│ ├── candidate_keypair
│ │ ├── binary_file for crypto_sign_keypair
│ │ ├── (if tool = binsec: gdb script, .snapshot file)
│ ├── candidate_sign
│ │ ├── binary_file for crypto_sign
│ │ ├── (if tool = binsec: gdb script, .snapshot file)
: binsectype-based signature
: mpc-in-the-headcandidate
: mirithOptimizated Implementation folder
: Optimized_ImplementationInstance
: mirith_avx2_Ia_fast
Note: For each candidate, the Optimized implementation folder has a default value: the one proposed by bidders.
As already mentioned above, to create required files for the tests and run the tests with a given tool:
python3 toolchain-scripts/ mirith --tools binsec --instance_folders_list mirith_avx2_Ia_fast
Here's the structure of the generated files:
└── mirith
├── Optimized_Implementation
├── binsec
├── mirith_avx2_Ia_fast
├── mirith_keypair
│ ├── cfg_keypair.ini, test_harness_crypto_sign_keypair.c
│ ├── (if binsec is run: crypto_sign_keypair_output.txt)
├── candidate_sign
│ ├── cfg_sign.ini, test_harness_crypto_sign.c
│ ├── (if binsec is run: crypto_sign_output.txt)
├── build
│ ├── mirith_keypair
│ │ ├── test_harness_crypto_sign_keypair (executable)
│ │ ├── test_harness_crypto_sign_keypair.gdb
│ │ ├── test_harness_crypto_sign_keypair.snapshot
│ ├── candidate_sign
│ │ ├── test_harness_crypto_sign (executable)
│ │ ├── test_harness_crypto_sign.gdb
│ │ ├── test_harness_crypto_sign.snapshot
For the following candidates, run the commands:
Candidates: cross
, less
, pqsigrm
python3 toolchain-scripts/ CANDIDATE --tools TOOLS
Actually, Vox has no instance. The optimized implementation folder is: Reference_Implementation/vox_sign
We consider the instance of vox as: vox_sign
The default vox instance security level is 256. Use the option --security_level
to run the tests the desired ones.
python3 toolchain-scripts/ vox --tools TOOLS --security_level 128
Instances: src/mayo_1
, src/mayo_2
, src/mayo_3
, src/mayo_5
python3 toolchain-scripts/ mayo --tools TOOLS --instance_folders_list src/mayo_1
Instances: qruov1q7L10v740m100
, qruov1q31L3v165m60
, etc..
The List of instances can be found in the Makefile
of the folder: Optimized_Implementation
python3 toolchain-scripts/ mayo --tools TOOLS --instance_folders_list qruov1q7L10v740m100
We have focused our work on the unbroken candidates (candidates with no security issues). We didn't succeed to run our scripts on some of them. However, we are working on it. We are also trying to improve the scripts, by enhancing the templates of each tool,