Cryptic Cash Wallet is a popular secure opensource online altcoin wallet that works with practically any altcoin. Cryptic Cash Wallet uses PHP, mySQL, JavaScript and Bootstrap meaning it's quite simple to setup.
Setup: wiki/Installation
TODO: Add a step in the wiki explaining to copy settings-example.php into a new file settings.php and then change the values.
Manual User Reserve
QR Codes use a local generation URL
Multilanguage support for over 90% of text - Currently supported languages include English, Greek, Mandarin, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Tagalog.
QR Codes for Addresses
Google 2 Factor Auth
Mobile App
Fee Sent to Wallet Owner
Planned Features:
Have QR Codes open in lightbox instead of new tab
Control of Private Keys
Improved Bootstrap Theme
More Information:
Created by Johnathan Martin Cryptic Foundation Cryptic Cash Wallet