This repository contains a driver script and SLURM batch job that can run an eORCA_025 simulation provided by the IMHOTEP project. At a high level this example demonstrates the following:
- Running SmartSim workflows within a SLURM batch script, launching the simulation and orchestrator within the same allocation
- Initializing an orchestrator in 'clustered' mode
- How to specify different resources in the same allocation for each component to run on using Slurm 'constraints'
- Configuring SmartSim to launch an MPMD workload, the NEMO executable and separate I/O-server (XIOS) processes
- Using SmartSim to modify Fortran namelists that configure the model prior to execution
Note: This example does require access to HPC resources due to the high resolution of the ocean simulation. On a modest HPC platform, it can be run for development purposes on O(300) CPUs, but for production purposes O(3000) cores can provide reasonable simulation throughput.
The NEMO4 code does not currently have broad distribution rights and the and eORCA_025 configuration has not yet been published. For access, please contact
- Andrew Shao:
Andrew.Shao at
- Julien Le Sommer:
julien.lesommer at
Assuming that the user has compiled the NEMO and XIOS binaries, has downloaded input files and atmospheric forcing, here are the steps to launch the simulation:
- Modify
to configure for the user/site including account information, how to activate the SmartSim environment, the number of requested resources etc. - Make sure that any configurable options to the SmartSim driver are consistent with resources requested in the batch job (see Usage section below)
A large number of runtime arguments can be passed to the SmartSim driver, which can be be accessed by running:
python driver/ clustered --help
which outputs the following
NAME clustered - Run a nemo OM4_025 simulation with a cluster of databases used for machine-learning inference
SYNOPSIS clustered <flags>
Run a nemo OM4_025 simulation with a cluster of databases used for machine-learning inference
Default: 48
number of nodes allocated to nemo
Default: 48
how many MPI ranks to be run per node
Default: '[CL48|CL56]'
features of the nodes that the nemo should run on
Default: 1
number of nodes allocated to XIOS
Default: 8
how many MPI ranks to be run per node
Default: '[CL48|CL56]'
features of the nodes that the XIOS should run on
Default: '/lus/cls01029/shao/dev/m2lines/NEMO_4.0.6_IMHOTEP/cfgs/eORC...
full path to the nemo configuration directory full path to the nemo configuration directory
Default: '/lus/scratch/shao/model_inputs/nemo4/FORCING_ATMOSPHERIQUE/...
full path to the nemo forcing directory full path to the nemo forcing directory
Default: '/lus/scratch/shao/model_inputs/nemo4/ORCA025.L75/eORCA025.L...
Default: '/lus/cls01029/shao/dev/m2lines/xios-2.5/bin/xios_server.exe'
path to the XIOS executable
Default: 1
The job number (nn_no) of the nemo experiment
Default: 1
The first time step in the segment
Default: 72
The last time step in the segment
Default: '.false.'
If ".true.", then this experiment is a restart. Note in Fortran notation
Default: './'
Default: ''
Path to output model feedback files used for data assimilation
Default: './'
Path to output iceberg trajectory files
Default: 6780
port that the database will listen on
Default: 'ipogif0'
network interface bound to the database
Default: 3
number of orchestrator nodes to use
Default: 'P100'
node features requested for the orchestrator nodes