For this period you can use whatever IDE/editor you like. If you prefer the same editor as the one i'm using during demo's you should: Install Visual Studio Code(vs-code)
- Hopefully you have all completed all the steps in this small exercise, including the "watch the video" part. If not do it before this lesson
- Another small tutorial/guide, which will introduce you to React Router
- Bookmark this link, which include the API-description for React Router V4, which we will be using
- JSON Web Tokens (first 24 min)
- Passords hashing with bcrypt (still one of the coolest educational videos ever made ;-)
- Skim this article about CORS
Make sure to watch these videos before todays lecture:
- Comparing (some) of the alternatives technologies for "crossplatform" development
- Expo Explained in 2 Minutes
Readings and references for Expo and React Native
Complete the exercises from React Native Day-1.
We will do (or start on) "Apps with a backend" together. This requires that you have installed ngrok before the lesson - A super cool tool that will allow you to open servers running locally on your laptop to the "whole world".
For the rest of the day you should do one of the following:
- Do the "All the fun" exercise if you have come to "love" React Native and have the time
- Complete whatever missing React Exercises you might have. If you have any questions or exercises you would like to discuss, there will be time for that :-)