- Install Node (important, install the LTS-version): https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Install a new editor/IDE for JavaScript development, we suggest Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
- Watch this video about SPA (16 min) (If already done in period-2, skim only)
- Watch this video that compares Frameworks (compares React, Angular and Vue)
- Read about create-react-app (how we are going to setup our React-apps)
- Watch and CODE ALONG step 1-7 from this tutorial Important: A few things have changed since this video. Skip this step:
npm i create-react-app -g
and when you create the app, do it like this (observe the npx):npx create-react-app my-app
- Watch/skim these sections in Facebook's tutorial (will be referred to from the exercises) Components and Props , State and LifeCycle
Read/skim these sections from the Facebook tutorial:
- Handling Events
- List and Keys
- Forms
- Lifting State Up
- Read this article Thinking in React
- Read (again) the two links from yesterday, related to "lifting state up"
- Read this article about how to use fetch with the new JS construct async-await
- Skim this again
Pagination in electronic display Play around with some of the examples here and skim the documentation for the library we will for this lesson
Handling large amounts of data
Demands for skills related to JavaScript and Single Page Applications has increased over the last years
JavaScript, and React this semester, will provide students with the background to join modern front-end teams, using JS and supplementing JS frameworks like React