Super Simple Chat app for MongoDB Realm
On the MongoDB Atlas side
- Create a Free Atlas Cluster. Under 'Additional Settings' select version 'MongoDB 4.4 - Betea'
- Name new Atlas Cluster SuperSimpleChat
- Hit Create Cluster
Once the cluster has been created, select the Realm tab
- Select Create a New App
- Select Mobile, iOS, No I'm starting from Scratch as your options
- Hit 'Start a new Realm App'
- Name the new Realm App 'SuperSimpleChat'
- Link it to the SuperSimpleChat cluster created above (default choice)
- Hit Create Realm Application
Set up Sync in Dev Mode
- Select Cluster to Sync 'SuperSimpleChat'
- Define a Database called 'SuperSimpleChatDB'
- Create a partition key called '_partition' as a string
- Hit 'Turn Dev Mode On'
Set up user provider
- In the Realm app go to the User tab
- Select the Providers tab
- Select Email/Password
- Toggle the Provider Enable control to on
- Select 'Automatically confirm users' as User Confirmation Method.
- Select 'Run a password reset function' as the Password Reset Method
- Select 'New function' in function
- Select the default name 'resetFunc'
- Hit 'Save'
Deploy the Realm App
XCode Project
- Download the source code from Github
- Set up pods by typing 'pod install' at the command line
- Open generated workspace file
- Set the Realm id in Models.swift
- Copy the Realm id from the top left button in the Realm panel in the web UI
- Edit the REALM_APP_ID in the Constants.swift function with the copied Realm Id
Run the app