You’ll have to modify the working directory to a real location on your pc, but everything else should just work.
Change this path: setwd("~/GitHub/quantstuff/quantProject")
I’m working on building this into a package that you can simply install…
- Open StockAnalysisFunctions.R a. Select all and run the entire file. (This puts all of the functions into your global environment.)
- Open StockAnalysis_LoadData.R a. Again, you can run the entire file, or add/remove stock symbols as you see fit. b. This one gets all of the stock data from yahoo. *There’s a 1-second pause between requests, so it can take a while to do many symbols.
- Open StockAnalysis.R a. This is the file where we use all of our newly-downloaded data. b. Lines 10 & 11 run the scanner function against our list and writes the results to a csv file. Sort by “mySignal” and I usually add a little conditional formatting to visualize the highs and lows by column. c. Run lines 15 through 26 to get a chart for a specific stock. i. Just change the “mySymbol” value (Uppercase!) to the stock you’d like to review, and the “days” to the time span you want to cover.
-- Jason Green -- Last Updated: 9/3/2014