Helper scripts for setting up and using SurfShark with a Raspberry Pi. Sets up SurfShark as a service, so can run in the background.
Open a terminal window and run these command.
chmod +x
To connect to the VPN, simply run this command
SurfingPi start
This will connect you with the configurations you entered when you ran ./
To, for example, change which location you want to connect to, just run the config script again
If you're having trouble connecting, try running
SurfingPi -r
sometimes an update to vpn configs is required before you can connect to the VPN
To reconfigure, run script with:
SurfingPi -c
This is run automatically with the install script. This will walk you through getting your credentials, selecting which vpn endpoint you want and automates downloading of the configs. Once this is done, your credentials will be stored in ~/.surfshark/surf
This config process will generate a file called surfstart in /usr/bin. This is what you will use to connect to the VPN.
Run the included uninstall script with:
SurfingPi -u