Implementation of analytic solutions to generic bound and plunging dyonic geodesics in Kerr Newmann, in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions
Consists of two primary packages within Kernel, DyonicKNGeoOrbit which solves for bound orbits and, DyonicKNGeoPlunge which solves for plunging geodesics. Packages can be loaded as seen in GeodesicRunFile as a paclet using the commands - SetDirectory@NotebookDirectory[] - PacletDirectoryLoad["."] - << DyonicKNGeodesics
Each file has has one function, DyonicKNGeoPlunge[...] and DyonicKNGeoOrbit[...] output with certain associations
Associations: ["a" -> a, "Parametrization"->"Mino", "ChargeParameters", "Energy", "AngularMomentum", "CarterConstant", "ConstantsOfMotion", "Periods", "RadialRoots", "PolarRoots", "EllipticBasis", "RadialRootCrossingTimeMino", "Trajectory"]
Example usage of these function can be found in GeodesicRunFile.nb, additional plots found in arxiv submission can we generated in Paper_Plots.nb