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ComputerNerd edited this page Feb 7, 2015 · 3 revisions

This menu contains actions that pertain to tiles.

Append blank tile to end of buffer
This will create a new blank tile placing it after all tiles that exist in ram.

Fill tile with selected color
Will make the tile have the selected color

Fill tile with color 0
Similar to above but makes the tile black

Remove duplicate truecolor tiles
Removes truecolor tiles that are duplicate also checks for flipped tiles. For some reason I forgot to add a progress bar will add that next release. I don’t want to do a release with such a minor change.

Remove duplicate tiles
Like above but has a progress bar and checks regular tiles instead of truecolor tiles.

Update dither all tiles
This option is largely obsolete but what it does is for each tile it dithers it using the first palette row. Use the dither tilemap/sprite as image for better quality

Delete currently selected tile
Should be self explanatory. If you did not mean to press this or you changed your mind undo the action by pressing holding control and pressing the letter ‘Z’ without the quotes.

Create new tiles for flipped tiles
This is for NES users. For systems that support tile flipping this action will still run but it is useless doing so. The NES appears to not support flipped tiles so this will create new variants of existing tiles that are flipped by software instead of would be hardware.