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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 8, 2024. It is now read-only.


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A better editing for Comic Studio!

This project now came to the end.

Why this project stopped?

1. Cherries_ vs me

  • Most of thing happened in here: 2023, 2024, syrupyy announcement. But they don't know where the start is.
  • I've contacted DBT team to solve this case, but failed in bigger half.

2. replit keep-alive patched

  • I don't know when, but replit keep-alive has been patched, which mean no more BCSE-GSM or BCSE-Beta and pasteR (for that one above)

3. Other factor

I've been suffered many case... such as:

  • nuked warez scene (can't tell further)
  • family conflict
  • Telegram group drama
  • doxxing (most of them from Comic Studio)

I have no interest on this project anymore. If you wish to keep this project alive, fork and improve.

Rest In Peace, BetterCSEdit

2022 - 2024

The project was made for fun (aka bypass slider range), more "cursed" and more customization, but now it came to the end.

Thank you to everyone who love to use them. Spread the word.

Features (after "user type" update):

  • Change size
  • Change rotation degree
  • (Full) Dark mode
  • Custom welcome message
  • Custom name role (v2) - v3 Bug fixing: Double namerole
  • Custom Banner
  • MENU! (press Esc for menu) with Enable/Disable
  • View Full Image (~ + Tab then release Tab) - v2 Fix: Button instead of hotkey for mobile support
  • MoreTab (studio)


  • Custom name role (v3)
  • View Full Image (v2)
  • Easy Darkmode button
  • Easy Emotes button
  • Work on - Separated script required
  • (almost) Full mobile support. - Fixing

Installation (manual way)

But then I had very good idea, I used Greasy Fork. See, using Greasy Fork gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to install script without manual step above

And then, this happened:


So install with GitHub instead:


Before: Normal Cookie Run Comic Studio

After: BetterCSEdit in Cookie Run Comic Studio

Not only that, it's work on other comic studios too!

BetterCSEdit in Cuphead Comic Studio

Menu? Menu.

  • Press Esc key for menu!

BetterCSEdit menu!

  • I wanted to make it paid client, but no. Once it's open source, you can't make it paid


  • Use this script for Beta, this script will change whenever I do something:
// ==UserScript==
// @name         BCSE Beta!
// @namespace    mynamespace
// @version      2.1b
// @description  A better editing for Comic Studio!
// @match        *://**
// @icon
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

// Load jQuery if it's not already loaded
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = '';
    script.onload = loadScript;
} else {

function loadScript() {
    // Load Keydrown and the main script from my server
        method: 'GET',
        url: '', //keydrown
        onload: function(response) {
            // Inject the Keydrown library into the page
            var kdScript = document.createElement('script');
            kdScript.textContent = response.responseText;

                method: 'GET',
                url: '',
                onload: function(response) {
                    // Inject the main script into the page
                    var mainScript = document.createElement('script');
                    mainScript.textContent = response.responseText;


  • 0.1 - First script, which you have to open the script to change max size.
  • 0.11 - Now work on: [studios]
  • 0.2 - Added textbox, for both resize and rotation.
  • 1.0 - Added slider, so you don't have to :) biggest update ever
  • 1.1 - Change (max) and (min) to + and - for 100% zoom
  • 1.2 - Removed maxlength = '3' because it's doesn't working anymore
  • 1.2.1 - Shorten "Rotate" and "Resize" words to "Ro" and "Re" so it will fit some font
  • 1.3.1 - Added title bypass for clentside and Added Enable/Disable option, powered by boolean :)
  • 1.4 - Added Dark Mode and Custom Welcome.
  • 1.4.1 - Fixed bug.
  • 1.5 - Fixed a lot of "fatal bug", added Custom Name Role (clientside). This make my brain died a lot.
  • 2.0 - Added Custom Banner. Now you can use menu by pressing "Esc" (aka. Escape) key to open and close.
  • 2.1 - Added background, View Full Image, Custom Namerole v2, MoreTab. Optimized stuff

We need your help!

  • I'm currently lack of JS skill, so if you want you can fork this or DM me: Bang1338#5701 to fill god damn hole in my brain(cell). I love to see your support! Skilled JS coder deserve the love! ❤️

Special thank:

tungdo0602 - Optimizing code

Small credit:

  • syrupyy (for Comic Studio)
  • keny (for Cuphead Comic Studio)


Happy Anniversary Comic Studio!