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Add Multiplot menu entry for Colvars
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This is a first example, letting users swap the axes of a pairwise plot
More entries can be added to other plot types
jhenin committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 823fcbd commit a6c083a
Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 36 deletions.
98 changes: 62 additions & 36 deletions vmd/cv_dashboard/cv_dashboard_plots.tcl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -85,6 +85,18 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::plot { { type timeline } } {
set plothandle [multiplot -title {Colvars trajectory [click on markers, keyb arrows (+ Shift/Ctrl) to navigate]} \
-xlabel $xname -ylabel $yname -nostats -marker circle -fill white -radius 4 -callback ::cv_dashboard::marker_clicked]
$plothandle add $y($xname) $y($yname)

# Add custom Colvars menu item to Multiplot window
set plot_ns [$plothandle namespace]
set menubar "[set ${plot_ns}::w].menubar"
menubutton $menubar.colvars -text "Colvars" -underline 0 -menu $
menu $ -tearoff 0
$ add command -label "Swap axes" -command ::cv_dashboard::pairwise_swap_axes
# Add item to existing menu bar
set col [lindex [grid size $menubar] 0]
grid $menubar.colvars -row 0 -column $col -sticky nsw
grid columnconfigure $menubar $col -weight 2

} elseif { $type == "histogram"} {
set xname [lindex $name_list 0]
# Save list of values for navigating
@@ -112,7 +124,6 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::plot { { type timeline } } {
-xlabel $xname -ylabel "N" -nostats -xmin $xmin -xmax $xmax \
-ymin 0.0 -x $centers -y $frequencies -nolines -plot]

set ns [namespace qualifiers $plothandle]
# force bars to start at zero
set ymin 0.0

@@ -251,13 +262,13 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::plot_bias_energy { } {
# Callback for click inside plot window, at coords x y
proc ::cv_dashboard::plot_clicked { x y } {

set ns [$::cv_dashboard::plothandle namespace]
set xplotmin [set ${ns}::xplotmin]
set xplotmax [set ${ns}::xplotmax]
set yplotmin [set ${ns}::yplotmin]
set yplotmax [set ${ns}::yplotmax]
set scalex [set ${ns}::scalex]
set xmin [set ${ns}::xmin]
set plot_ns [$::cv_dashboard::plothandle namespace]
set xplotmin [set ${plot_ns}::xplotmin]
set xplotmax [set ${plot_ns}::xplotmax]
set yplotmin [set ${plot_ns}::yplotmin]
set yplotmax [set ${plot_ns}::yplotmax]
set scalex [set ${plot_ns}::scalex]
set xmin [set ${plot_ns}::xmin]

# note: ymax < ymin because of pixel coordinate convention
if { [expr {($x < $xplotmin) || ($x > $xplotmax) || ($y > $yplotmin) || ($y < $yplotmax)}] } {
@@ -330,9 +341,9 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::chg_frame { shift { order "traj" } } {
proc ::cv_dashboard::zoom { factor } {
variable ::cv_dashboard::plothandle

set ns [namespace qualifiers $plothandle]
set xmin [set ${ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${ns}::xmax]
set plot_ns [$plothandle namespace]
set xmin [set ${plot_ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${plot_ns}::xmax]

set f $::cv_dashboard::current_frame
# rescale current half-width
@@ -357,9 +368,9 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::zoom { factor } {
proc ::cv_dashboard::fit_vertically {} {
variable ::cv_dashboard::plothandle

set ns [namespace qualifiers $plothandle]
set xmin [set ${ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${ns}::xmax]
set plot_ns [$plothandle namespace]
set xmin [set ${plot_ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${plot_ns}::xmax]
set ydata [$plothandle ydata]
set ymin [lindex [lindex $ydata 0] $xmin]
set ymax $ymin
@@ -399,11 +410,11 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::display_marker { f } {
# we tinker a little with Multiplot's internals to get access to its Tk canvas
# necessary because Multiplot does not expose an interface to draw & delete
# objects without redrawing the whole plot - which takes too long for this
set ns [namespace qualifiers $plothandle]
set plot_ns [$plothandle namespace]
if { $::cv_dashboard::plottype == "timeline" } {

set xmin [set ${ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${ns}::xmax]
set xmin [set ${plot_ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${plot_ns}::xmax]
# Move plot boundaries if necessary
if { $f < $xmin } {
set xmax [expr { $xmax + $f - $xmin }]
@@ -416,49 +427,49 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::display_marker { f } {
$plothandle configure -xmin $xmin -xmax $xmax -plot

set y1 [set ${ns}::yplotmin]
set y2 [set ${ns}::yplotmax]
set xplotmin [set ${ns}::xplotmin]
set scalex [set ${ns}::scalex]
set y1 [set ${plot_ns}::yplotmin]
set y2 [set ${plot_ns}::yplotmax]
set xplotmin [set ${plot_ns}::xplotmin]
set scalex [set ${plot_ns}::scalex]
set x [expr $xplotmin+($scalex*($f-$xmin))]

set canv "[set ${ns}::w]"
set canv "[set ${plot_ns}::w]"
$canv delete frame_marker
$canv create line $x $y1 $x $y2 -fill $timeline_color -tags frame_marker
} elseif { $::cv_dashboard::plottype == "2cv" } {
set x [lindex [ lindex [$plothandle xdata] 0] $f]
set y [lindex [ lindex [$plothandle ydata] 0] $f]

set xmin [set ${ns}::xmin]
set ymin [set ${ns}::ymin]
set xmin [set ${plot_ns}::xmin]
set ymin [set ${plot_ns}::ymin]

set radius 5
set xplotmin [set ${ns}::xplotmin]
set scalex [set ${ns}::scalex]
set xplotmin [set ${plot_ns}::xplotmin]
set scalex [set ${plot_ns}::scalex]
set x1 [expr {$xplotmin+$scalex*($x-$xmin) - $radius}]
set x2 [expr {$xplotmin+$scalex*($x-$xmin) + $radius}]

set yplotmin [set ${ns}::yplotmin]
set scaley [set ${ns}::scaley]
set yplotmin [set ${plot_ns}::yplotmin]
set scaley [set ${plot_ns}::scaley]
set y1 [expr {$yplotmin+$scaley*($y-$ymin) - $radius}]
set y2 [expr {$yplotmin+$scaley*($y-$ymin) + $radius}]

set canv "[set ${ns}::w]"
set canv "[set ${plot_ns}::w]"
$canv delete frame_marker
$canv create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -outline white -fill $2cv_color -tags frame_marker
} elseif { $::cv_dashboard::plottype == "histogram" } {
set xmin [set ${ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${ns}::xmax]
set xmin [set ${plot_ns}::xmin]
set xmax [set ${plot_ns}::xmax]

set y1 [set ${ns}::yplotmin]
set y2 [set ${ns}::yplotmax]
set y1 [set ${plot_ns}::yplotmin]
set y2 [set ${plot_ns}::yplotmax]
set v [lindex $cv_dashboard::histogram_time_series $f]

set xplotmin [set ${ns}::xplotmin]
set scalex [set ${ns}::scalex]
set xplotmin [set ${plot_ns}::xplotmin]
set scalex [set ${plot_ns}::scalex]
set x [expr $xplotmin+($scalex*($v-$xmin))]

set canv "[set ${ns}::w]"
set canv "[set ${plot_ns}::w]"
$canv delete frame_marker
$canv create line $x $y1 $x $y2 -fill $histogram_color -tags frame_marker
@@ -519,3 +530,18 @@ proc ::cv_dashboard::simplify x {
set x [expr round($x / $factor) * $factor]
return $x

proc ::cv_dashboard::pairwise_swap_axes {} {

variable ::cv_dashboard::plothandle
set plot_ns [$plothandle namespace]

set x [$plothandle xdata]
set y [$plothandle ydata]
set xlabel [set ${plot_ns}::xlabeltext]
set ylabel [set ${plot_ns}::ylabeltext]

$plothandle clear
$plothandle add $y $x -xlabel $ylabel -ylabel $xlabel -plot

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