Python Script to Detect API Framework from Endpoint
This script uses the requests library to make a GET request to an API endpoint, then parses the response headers to detect the potential API framework used. Please replace api_url in the main function with your actual API endpoint URL.
To use this script, you will need Python 3 installed on your system along with the following libraries:
requests (for making HTTP requests)
You can install these libraries using pip:
Copy Code pip install requests Usage
Save the provided code in a file.
Replace api_url with your actual API endpoint URL.
Run the script from the command line or terminal:
Copy Code python The script will print the detected framework name, or "Not Detected" if no framework could be identified.
This script is not foolproof and may not work for all cases. It relies on checking header information and specific strings in the response headers or body. The accuracy of the detection depends on the consistency of these strings across different API implementations.