A Simple Python script Using Gatttool to exploit an Insecure Bluetooth Low Energy Smart Watch ( M1 Band 1).
CVE-2018-11631 : https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-11631
Usage: bandexploit.py [options] Address
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --sms Send SMS Notification to the device
-c, --call Send CALL Notification to the device
-r REPEAT, --repeat=REPEAT Number of repetitions
-m MESSAGE, --message=MESSAGE Notification message to send. Max_LEN = 8
Example: Sending 15 Call notifications with message xMagass
./bandexploit.py 78:02:b7:21:1d:fc -r 15 -m xMagass -c