A simple wordbased password generator written in python. Generates passwords with a mix of words, numbers and special characters. Norwegian wordlist taken from UIO (the program uses a subset of words that are 4-9 characters in length) and special characters are taken from the OWASP list with some exceptions for readability.
usage: main.py [-h] [-w W] [-n N] [-s S] [-c C] [-i I]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w W Number of words to generate default is 4
-n N Number of numbers to generate default is 2
-s S Number of special characters to generate default is 2
-c C Minimum number of capital letters to generate default is 1, larger values than w will get same result as w
-i I Number of iterations to generate passwords default is 1
Just install python3 clone the repository and run the program with the desired options.