[DJS11] Starter Instructions for the Final Portfolio Piece Submission 🚀
Table of Contents
You will be required to complete this project using React and a build-process to manage all the complexity involved.
You are welcome to use any other technology that you are comfortable with as well as React. It is recommended that you use TypeScript as well, however you are welcome to avoid TypeScript entirely if you do not feel comfortable with it’s usage just yet.
Data consists of three basic semantic units
: A specific podcast that contains a single or severalSEASON
: A collection ofEPISODE
released across a specific timespanEPISODE
: Corresponds to a specific MP3 file that user can listen
However, the following information is also exposed via the API
: A summarised version of aSHOW
that only contains basic information. Usually exposed when an array of differentSHOW
information is requested.GENRE
: Information related to a (one of many) genres that can be assigned to aSHOW
The following chart indicates the relations between units of data. It uses Entity Relationship mapping. In order to understand the meaning of symbols in the chart please read the overview on the Mermaid.js documentation.
Note that the text between the units indicates what properties map to one another. It is separated by means of three underscores (___
). The value before the underscores is the mapping from the parent object, whereas the values after the underscore is the mapping from the child object.
Note that is some cases there is no way to infer the parent from the child itself , in those cases just the parent map is noted, with no value after the underscores.
number id
string title
string description
number seasons
string image
array genreIds
updated string
number id
string title
string description
array seasons
number id
string title
string image
array episodes
number id
string file
string title
number id
string title
string description
array showIds
PREVIEW ||--|| SHOW: id___id
PREVIEW }|--|{ GENRE: genreIds___showIds
SHOW }|--|{ GENRE: genreIds___showIds
SHOW ||--|{ SEASON: seasons___
SEASON ||--|{ EPISODE: episodes___
Data can be called via a fetch
request to the following three endpoints. Note that there is not always a one-to-one mapping between endpoints and actual data structures. Also note that <ID>
indicates where the dynamic ID for the requested item should be placed. For example: [https://podcast-api.netlify.app/genre/3](https://podcast-api.netlify.app/genre/3)
URL | |
https://podcast-api.netlify.app |
Returns an array of PREVIEW |
https://podcast-api.netlify.app/genre/<ID> |
Returns a GENRE object |
https://podcast-api.netlify.app/id/<ID> |
Returns a SHOW object with several SEASON and EPISODE objects directly embedded within |
Since genre information is only exposed on PREVIEW
by means of the specific GENRE
id, it is recommended that you include the mapping between genre id values and title in your code itself:
ID | Title |
1 | Personal Growth |
2 | Investigative Journalism |
3 | History |
4 | Comedy |
5 | Entertainment |
6 | Business |
7 | Fiction |
8 | News |
9 | Kids and Family |
Please refer to the DJS rubric found in your dashboard spreadsheet for more detail.
P3.1 | Setup and Deployment | Project is deployed to a custom Netlify URL | Medium | 2 |
P3.2 | User sees a custom icon in the tab window. All favicon information has been created an added correctly via realfavicongenerator.net | Easy | 1 | |
P3.3 | Metatag information has been created and added via metatags.io. Be mindful to manually replace all URL values (especially image URL) to absolute Netlify URL values (you will need to deploy to Netlify first) | Easy | 1 | |
P3.4 | UI/UX | User sees the name of all available shows on the platform | Easy | 1 |
P3.5 | User sees shows sorted alphabetically when the app loads (default sorting) | Hard | 3 | |
P3.6 | User has a way to listen to any episode in a season for a show (note there is a single placeholder audio track for all shows) | Medium | 2 | |
P3.7 | User is able to see a view where only episodes for a specific selected season are shown (Note that this can be a page view, a modal, or toggle dropdown - up to developer's design choice) | Medium | 2 | |
P3.8 | User is able to toggle between different seasons for the same show | Hard | 3 | |
P3.9 | User sees preview image of shows when browsing | Easy | 1 | |
P3.10 | User sees the amount of seasons as a number in a show when browsing | Easy | 1 | |
P3.11 | User sees a human-readable date to when a show was last updated | Easy | 1 | |
P3.12 | User sees what genres (as genre titles) a show is associated with when browsing | Medium | 2 | |
P3.13 | User sees a preview image of seasons for a specific show (Note some Shows have different images for each Season) | Easy | 1 | |
P3.14 | User sees the amount of episodes as a number for a season | Easy | 1 | |
P3.15 | User is able to go back to a show view from a season-specific view | Easy | 1 | |
P3.16 | Data Fetching and State Management | All show data loaded via a fetch call from the API (Note no podcast data should be hardcoded in the application) | Medium | 2 |
P3.17 | When viewing a specific show, data is loaded via fetch from individual show endpoint | Medium | 2 | |
P3.18 | There is a loading state while initial data is being loaded | Medium | 2 | |
P3.19 | There is a loading state while new data is being loaded | Hard | 3 | |
P3.20 | User Interaction | User is able to mark specific episodes as favourites so that they can find them again (Note the requirement is that a specific episode of a specific season of a specific show is to be favourited) | Hard | 3 |
P3.21 | User can visit a view where they see all their favourite episode | Hard | 3 | |
P3.22 | User is able to see the associated show and season when an episode is in favourites | Hard | 3 | |
P3.23 | Related by season/show episodes are grouped together in favourites | Hard | 3 | |
P3.24 | User is able to remove episodes from their favourites | Medium | 2 | |
P3.25 | User sees the date and time that they added something as a favourite | Medium | 2 | |
P3.26 | User is able to arrange favourites based on title from A-Z | Medium | 2 | |
P3.27 | User is able to arrange favourites based on title from Z-A | Medium | 2 | |
P3.28 | User is able to arrange favourites starting with the most recently updated | Medium | 2 | |
P3.29 | User is able to arrange favourites starting with the furthest back updated | Medium | 2 | |
P3.30 | User is able to arrange lists of shows based on title from A-Z | Medium | 2 | |
P3.31 | User is able to arrange lists of shows based on title from Z-A | Medium | 2 | |
P3.32 | User is able to arrange list showing the most recently updated (Newly updated Shows) | Medium | 2 | |
P3.33 | User is able to arrange list of shows from least recently updated (Oldest updated Shows) | Medium | 2 | |
P3.34 | Audio player is always visible so that user can listen to episodes while browsing | Medium | 2 | |
P3.35 | Audio player must show listening progress | Medium | 2 | |
P3.36 | User receives a notification that confirms they want to close the page when audio is playing | Medium | 2 | |
P3.37 | User can filter shows by genre | Hard | 3 | |
P3.38 | Persistence and Storage | App remembers and shows what episodes user listened to all the way through. | Hard | 3 |
P3.39 | Favourites must be persisted in localStorage | Hard | 3 | |
P3.40 | User has the option to "reset" all their progress, effectively removing their entire listening history. (Note marks are awarded only for "resetting" entire listening history) | Hard | 3 | |
P3.41 | Overall Assessment | The project has a good appearance and Desktop layout when opened in a web browser. | Easy | 3 |
P3.42 | The project is easy to navigate and interact with through a web browser. | Easy | 3 | |
P3.43 | The project's commit history shows short and clear commit messages. | Easy | 3 | |
P3.44 | The project displays well on different devices and all screen sizes, ensuring usability on tablets | Hard | 4 | |
P3.45 | The README file includes a comprehensive introduction to the project, setup instructions, usage examples, and contact information. | Easy | 3 | |
P3.46 | The project loads and functions without ANY bugs (Completed user stories possess no bugs whatsoever) | Hard | 4 | |
P3.47 | Well organized project structure & clean readable code | Medium | 3 |
P3.48 | Additional Features | The project has extra features that make for a good user-experience | Hard | 3 |
P3.49 | User is presented with a sliding carousel of possible shows they might be interested in on the landing page | Hard | 3 | |
P3.50 | User is able to filter shows based on title by means of a text input | Hard | 3 | |
P3.51 | User is able to find shows based on fuzzy matching of concepts | Hard | 3 | |
P3.52 | App displays the exact timestamp location of where they left off any episode | Hard | 3 |