A profile website created with love using Laravel.
####With pages for work, contact and about.
To setup the app locally for development I first recommend choosing only one of the following environments:
Install Valet for local Lamp stack (light weight but Mac only)
Use Vagrant without homestead and you will need to provision apache, mysql, php and laravel in the bootstrap.sh
First choose option 1, 2, 3 or any alternative that suits you.
Next clone or fork repository to local:
$ git clone [email protected]:CodeMuz/laravel-profile-page.git
Then create .env file in the project root
Install the requirements in composer.json
$ composer install
Install node modules
$ npm install
Initialize mysql (for Mac if chosen mysql)
$ mysql.server start
Migrate and seed database
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Build application front end
$ gulp --production
Run Unit tests
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
Deploy instructions (example using Heroku)
First clone or fork repository to local:
$ git clone [email protected]:CodeMuz/laravel-profile-page.git
Next create a new heroku application in project folder
$ heroku create
Add heroku buildpacks:
$ heroku buildpacks:set heroku/php
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/nodejs
Generate Laravel key and set heroku config var
$ php artisan key:generate --show
$ heroku config:set APP_KEY={KEY}
Add ClearDB addon to heroku
$ heroku addons:create cleardb
Build and run application:
$ git push heroku master
Migrate and seed database
$ heroku run php /app/artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Murray Wynnes
- Website: http://www.murraywynnes.com
- All authors must be attributed in code and final products of derivative works.
- Links to all authors' respective websites must be included in code and final products of derivative works.