Platform where college students can get development experience by working with nonprofits.
👋 Want to contribute to this project? Follow these steps to get started:
💻 Environment Setup: First, you're going to want to make sure your development environment is properly set up. Go ahead and read through our development environment setup guide.
✏️ Contribute: Once you're set up, you're ready to become a contributor. Make sure you read our contributing guidelines before you start working on a story so that you can learn our workflows.
🏰 Project Architecture: We've put together an architecture guide to serve as a reference and help reduce the time it takes to familiarize yourself with this project's architecture and codebase.
🙋 Questions & Problems: If you're stuck on something, don't be afraid to ask around in Slack! You can also check out the docs, where there is a lot of helpful information including a list of common problems.
Below is a cheatsheet for the scripts that can be found in package.json
$ yarn # Install dependencies (npm install)
$ yarn start # Start all docker containers and app on port 3000 and on port 3001 via https w/ watch mode (npm start)
$ yarn stop # Stop all docker containers (npm stop)
$ yarn restart # Restart all docker containers and app (npm restart)
$ yarn test # Run linter, test build, and tests (npm test)
$ yarn e2e # Run end-to-end tests (npm run e2e)
$ yarn lint # Run linter (npm run lint)
$ yarn db <start/stop> # Start/stop docker container with seeded MongoDB (npm run db -- <start/stop>)
$ yarn email <start/stop> # Start/stop docker container with MailHog (npm run email -- <start/stop>)
$ yarn build # Generate distribution (npm run build)
Although yarn is recommended, you may also use npm natively. The corresponding npm commands are in parenthesis above.