Bookmarks tagged [plsql]
In this article, I will cover the two most important of these features: BULK COLLECT and FORALL.
- BULK COLLECT: SELECT statements that retrieve multiple rows with a single fetch, improving the speed ...
- 📆 published on: 2012-10-01
- tags: oracle, plsql, performance, optimization
It’s important to know when not to use cursor FOR loops. Set of recommendations about cursor FOR loops.
- Never use a cursor FOR loop if the loop body executes non-query data manipulation language (DM...
- tags: oracle, plsql
This article focuses on the most-common ways programmers execute SELECT statements in PL/SQL, namely
- Using the SELECT-INTO statement
- Fetching from an explicit cursor
- Using a cursor FOR loop
- Us...
- 📆 published on: 2013-04-10
- tags: oracle, plsql