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shiftkey edited this page Apr 2, 2012 · 2 revisions

Disclaimer: none of this is set in stone.

Home Page

  • search box for user to enter word
  • auto-complete style box for showing matches
  • if match found, navigate user to page
  • if match not found, switch to "Help Me" mode

"Help me!" mode

  • user enters word/phrase and description
  • on save, new page is created in system
  • in background, notification fires out a link to the discussion page

Discussion Page

  • users can contribute explanations to the term
  • when an explanation is submitted, author can accept the answer as 'i get it now! thanks!'
  • user with the accepted answer can edit the discussion to clarify or clean up some text.

Example URL:

Cheat Sheet

  • if phrases and words are categorised by country, a visitor to the site can browse based on the desired culture and learn some more about a destination before he visits

Example URL:

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