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Lesson 12 Server Side Rendering with EJS

John R. McGarvey edited this page Apr 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

Lesson Page

In Lesson 12, we introduce server side rendering with EJS as the templating language. This exercise uses the same database as the jobs API project from the lesson 9 and 10, with Mongoose as before. The templates embed JavaScript code so that the actual HTML loaded by the browser is dynamically modified on the server side before the page is sent. It is important that students understand this concept. The JavaScript in the EJS files executes on the back end, not in the browser, and because it executes on the back end, back end data is available to populate the HTML page. For this assignment, students create their own repositories. There is no starter repository. The repositories the students create is used in lessons 13, 14, and 15 as well.

Here is a repository with the completed assignment: Important: The repository has mutiple branches, corresponding to the various stages of the project in lessons 12, 13, and 14, and 15.