to run this program you need a .env file with
To access the front-end submodule-
cd into the submodule
first command is 'git submodule init' (only for new/first time user)
next command is to cd into the back end and run 'git submodule update --remote' on the main route
GET "/" - check route
GET "/checkUser" - checks if the user is logged in
POST "/api/v1/auth/register" - registers the user- body contains name, password (minimum 6 characters), email (syntactically valid email) and returns
"user": {
"name": "....."
"token": "..."
POST "/api/v1/auth/login" - logs user in- body requires email and password
GET "/api/v1/recipes" - gets recipe by query / requires authentication this is the 'search recipe' endpoint in the spoonacular docs
GET "/api/v1/recipes/:id" - gets individual recipe by recipe id this is the 'get recipe information' endpoint in the spoonacular docs
GET "/api/v1/recipes/list" - gets saved recipe list from DB
POST "/api/v1/recipes/list" - saves recipe item to users profile in DB This is an example of what should be in the POST body...
{ "recipeId": 511728, "title": "Pasta Margherita", "image": "", "imageType": "jpg" }
DELETE "/api/v1/recipes/:id" - deletes recipe from saved list
GET "/api/v1/recipes" - gets a random recipe. takes in a number 1-100 for how many recipes are returned and also takes in a string can be any of these options - diets, meal types, cuisines, or intolerances
DELETE "/api/v1/auth/remove" - removes active user from DB.
PATCH "/api/v1/auth/changePassword" - lets a user change the password stored within our DB to a new PW required fields are password (the old one), newPassword (the new one) returns a message "password changed" on success returns 'please provide password and new password' or 'invalid credentials' on failure
GET "/api/v1/recipes/random" - gets a randomly generated recipe. always the same for a given day. Do not put in an option for query.