Training materials for Microservices on Cloud Foundry: Going Cloud Native
This course is designed to give its students a hands on experience of designing applications for Cloud Foundry. We will give an overview of Cloud Foundry and its tools from the point of view of an application developer and how to architect polyglot applications for deployment and scaling in the cloud.
This training is targeted at developers with little hands-on Cloud Foundry experience and those who have an interest in deploying innovative, microservice-based systems into the cloud.
- Linux 32/64bit, Windows 32/64bit or OS X 64bit
- USB port for mounting the USB drive with course material
- code editor of choice
: Navigationf
: Full-screens
: Show slide noteso
: Toggle overview.
: Turn screen black)Esc
: Escape from full-screen, or toggle overview
Once node.js is installed, from your
terminal, install reveal-md globally: npm install -g reveal-md
From the training dir - microservices-training
- run reveal-md 0-introduction/
to view the slides for the first topic. To view the slides for the second topic,
run reveal-md 1-monolith/
. Same for all other topics.