🐫 Oceananigans v0.5.0
Tons of improvements! We need more frequent releases.
What's new
- Parameterized abstractions that work on CPU and GPU architectures.
- Flashy boundary conditions API. @glwagner
- Fourth-order tracer advection scheme. @mukund-gupta
- Much faster GPU compile times thanks to fixes in CUDAnative.jl and GPUifyLoops.jl
- Arbitrary forcing functions.
- Diagnostics framework.
- Output writer framework: checkpointer, binary output, and NetCDF output.
- Model checkpointing with JLD.
- Asynchronous NetCDF output.
- Many new tests including new unit tests, new integration tests, and two golden master tests.
- Many tests now run on the CPU and GPU.
- Performance benchmarking with CPU/GPU and Float32/64 comparisons.
- Renamed "spectral solver" to "Poisson solver".
- Revised and updated examples.
- LOTS of cleanup and refactoring to make things look neater.
- Documentation that is automatically built and deployed!